Dutch Muslims calls for ban on dogs
Mistreatment of Animals Pr
12:10, Ro 8:19-23
Animals Called Persons Ge 1:21–25
What does it mean that God gave humanity dominion over the animals?
If accurate, this bit is why Europe will ultimately lose to Islam:
Not nearly enough Europeans take Islam seriously enough. They either find the
encroachments amusing - quaint or cute - or are liberally outraged at the
thought that their "guests" can be so illiberal. But too few of them really get
it. Too few realize that every Muslim in Europe takes Islam quite seriously.
They just don't get it yet. But they will when they see blondes on the auction
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Perhaps they should call for a ban on Mooslims?"
It's not a difficult choice. Ge
16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Puppy pic] "That's gotta be fake."
The puppy is real. The religion
is fake. Jas 1:26
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Do you want freedom of expression and freedom of religion abolished?"
Free the puppies. Ge 16:12, Jer
7:6, GWT
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Always keep a pooch handy if you have
the burden of having Muslim near you. They are the filthy animals.
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "They don't like dogs? OMG! It finally happened: I find out that at least in one way they are like some of the rest of us!"
You don't like dogs? Re 13:17
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "A call for a ban on dogs will cause more hatred against Islam than any terrorist activity. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they could declare explosives as being unclean."
Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT
Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood using “puppy bombs” dipped in gasoline and set on fire
Irish Setter eats poisoned meat, dies after UK's famed show
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "That's an Irish Setter?"
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Maybe the Muslim god realizes that dogs can smell their demon inspired revelation and religion. Dogs have an instinct to smell fear and Muslim religion brings fear for the base of their conversions..."
I know they smell something.
Jn 11:39
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Hi guys..."
Hi Satanist.
"...FYI: this "news" so-called "story" is three years old. For anyone here interested in actual, ya know, facts, here goes." Link
Surprise surprise, surprise
Islam (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).
Muslims torture dogs warning graphic images
Also see:
On the Dirty Yak Watch
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [To another member] "...[Y]ou don't know what sharia law means."
The Satanist (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10) doesn't hate all religion.
Just the one true one (Jn 14:6, Jas 1:27).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I found this old article about Muslims and dogs. Link
A righteous man cares about his animal's health, but
even the merciful acts of the wicked are cruel (Pr 12:10, HCSB).
Worlds Smartest Cutest Puppy Misa Minnie
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "That'd be racist, thus impossible. The self-brainwashed PC drones spent decades denying and caricaturing certain unpleasant realities of human existence. The result is that they've completely neutered themselves from ever admitting those realities exist, much less dealing with them as required. So they're toast."
Man cannot rule and reign. Rev. 20:1–10
Cat Gives A Dog Hypnotherapy
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...I'm recommending they use a good Malamute, Husky or Rottweiler for protection..."
Rotties are good dogs.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "...Not everyone out there shares the west's love for dogs..."
The pope
Air Canada pilot diverts Tel Aviv-to-Toronto flight to ensure dog's safety Pr
Dog stays with trapped friend for a week until help arrives
Friends rescue dog by rappelling 100 feet into mine shaft Pr 12:10
Family says dog raced back into burning home for man, 69
[Service Dog Tries Jumping into Vet Master’s Casket During Funeral] "...[T]his summer when he saw his master lying in the flag-draped casket, Honor pushed through the clutch of weeping family members, reared up, placed his paws on the edge and tried to climb in. Unable to comfort Baker, the lanky black dog in the camouflage-patterned vest curled up underneath." Full text: Service Dog Tries Jumping into Vet Master’s Casket During Funeral
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[Inop link] silver denarius of antoninus pius poochus."
A pet dog saved this couple's toddler from a snake attack
Pup Tries to Drag Himself Out of Bed
'I love the penguin like it's my own child and I believe the penguin loves me':
Bird swims
Eze 32:2,
Dog dies after shielding infant from fire
9-Year-Old Boy Caught Hugging Dog on Surveillance Just Got His Own Puppy
Lazy Cat Going Down The Stairs
Firefighters Discover Hero Dog Lying On Top Of Owner To Protect Her From Fire
Vid: Bulldog Enjoys Rolling Down Hill
Hero Pit Bull Puppy Saves Teen from Attempted Rape
We love our dogs.
I happen to think they're coming with us--dogs, horses, cats--in the rapture.
Vid: Man Sings Puppies To Sleep
Abilene Lowe's Hires Struggling Veteran and Service Dog
Dog Learns to Walk with New Prosthetic Paws
NorrinRadd View Post
Animals are called "living souls" (chay nephesh) before humans -- Gen. 1:21 vs. Gen. 2:7
Right, a soul no spirit (Ge 9:6).
I'm sure my little Bar' Bar' will go in the rapture
because heaven wouldn'
Hero whale saves snorkeler from tiger shark in the Pacific Ocean
to deploy 'canine KGB death squads' to butcher thousands of strays
2 dogs save elderly woman from freezing to death outside
Facebook Exposed as Black Market for Body Parts of Endangered Wildlife
Deaf, partially blind dog keeps lost girl safe in wilderness
Toxic Algae Kills Dogs Across the Country
Octopuses, squids and lobsters could become ‘sentient beings’ in the UK
Hero: Injured military dog cornered ISIS leader in tunnel
Hero Horse Runs Back to Save its Family
Orangutan granted ‘personhood’ settles into new Florida home
Gadhimai Hindu festival: World’s ‘largest animal sacrifice’ under way in defiance of ban
North Koreans are ordered to hand over ‘decadent and bourgeois’ pet dogs for
‘restaurant meat’ as the country is rocked by food shortages