Is genocide underway in Syria?
[Is genocide underway in Syria? U.S.,
British on verge of military strikes after
Assad’s WMD massacres Washington, D.C. by
Joel Rosenberg] "President Obama appears to
be on the verge of ordering U.S. military
intervention in Syria. The British are
preparing to help. The Obama administration
believes there is “very little doubt” that
the Assad regime used chemical weapons
recently to commit massacres inside the
civil war-torn country of Syria. UK Prime
Minister David Cameron agrees, as does the
French government.
U.S. warships are en route and Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel says the Pentagon is
prepared for “all contingencies.”
Serious questions must be asked first.
•Is genocide underway in Syria? Over 100,000
people have been killed. Now chemical
weapons have been used several times. Can
the world really turn a blind eye?
•If so, how can the U.S. and the British not
try to stop the use of weapons of mass
destruction in the Middle East, and stop
what may already have become genocide, after
going to war in Iraq to stop even the
potential of WMD being developed and used
against civilians?
•Yet if the West does take military action
to hit the Assad regime, won’t that help al
Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood rebels
trying to bring down the Assad regime and
impose and even more Radical Islamic Sunni
•Wouldn’t the President need Congressional
authorization for military action in Syria?
•And if the West is going to use military
action in Syria, what about Iran which is
developing nuclear weapons?
People are also emailing and Tweeting me
with these questions:
•“Are we heading towards catastrophic — even
apocalyptic — events in Damascus?”
•“Is it possible we will see the fulfillment
of Bible prophecies such as Isaiah 17 and
Jeremiah 49 that foretell the utter
destruction and annihilation of the city of
Damascus in the End Times?”
Full text:
Is genocide underway in Syria? U.S., British
on verge of military strikes after Assad’s
WMD massacres
Also see:
First the Jews were gassed, now it’s the
Muslims. I am a Christian. I say the world
must act.
Update: Kerry confirms chemical weapons were
used in Syria. US strikes all but certain.
Syria, Iran threaten to attack Israel with
“strategic weapons” if West hits Assad
regime. Netanyahu says Israel is ready. “Our
finger…is on the trigger.”
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: "Woohoo! Let's hear the drums of war!"
We'll need a foreign
policy first.
...[I]t's a good idea to intervene...
Think Obama will run that by Congress?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Poor he does not want war....he made a classic error in not enforcing his own red lines the first time."
Benghazi wasn't a red
He cares about the way terrorists
are now killing terrorists.
Ge 16:12
"...[N]ow the “international community”
globalist elites make their decisions not on
the numbers murdered, but on the weapons
they use to murder. Chemical weapons are
somehow worse than someone cutting off the
head of someone else, or cutting their heart
out and eating it! As, yes. And when
hundreds of thousands of Rwandans where
hacked to death by machetes, somehow that
wasn’t enough to intervene in Rwanda..."
Response to comment [from a Jew]: "It's a mess. No "good guys" in Syria."
Our idea of a foreign policy
is protecting the U.S.
and her allies.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I do not want to see any more American blood shed on foreign soil wherein the people revile and hate us."
This Commander in
isn't fit to run a lemonade stand--much less
a war.
Ob 7
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...After the US spends billions and billions of dollars..."
he wanted to go to war, Ob 7 perhaps he shouldn't have bankrupted the country.
Am 8:5
George Soros Says China Must Be Part Of The New World Order
Dem. Rep: 'Constitution Requires Congressional Authorization on Use of Force in Syria'
Report: U.S. Official Says White House Wants
Syria Strike ‘Just Muscular Enough Not To
Get Mocked’
UK: No War
Cameron first to lose war vote in Parliament
since 1782
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: "Kerry says France is America's "oldest ally". How impudent. Why is it that the US never fails to disrespect the UK, regardless of administration?"
"Barack knows that we
are going to have to make sacrifices; we are
going to have to change our conversation;
we're going to have to change our
traditions, our history..." ~ Michelle Obama
Putin on UK: 'Small island no one listens
"...I don't appreciate your crass racism..."
Proof please (Ge 16:12, Ac 17:26).
Pentagon Can't Afford War; Must Seek Additional Funds
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[H]e's going to attack to "Save face."
They mentioned
something about that in the British
"...Isn't the real reason we're here today
is--not because of the horror of these
weapons and horror exists--but because the
American President foolishly drew a red line
and because of his position...he's going to
attack or face humiliation. That's why we've
been drawn into war." ~ Paul Flynn
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I think it is fair to say that the UK is the oldest enemy of the USA."
Obama may agree with
Lying Obama press flack apologizes to
Krauthammer over Churchill bust story
U.S. Had Intel on Chemical Strike Before It Was Launched
Response to comment [from a Catholic]:
"...Syria has been an enemy of ours for
decades. The rebels, mostly Al Qaida
affiliated, are also our enemy. So why are
we sticking our noses in it? Isn't it the
perfect situation, to have all your enemies
killing each other without having to break a
...Obama wants to help the Islamo Fascists
the same way he did in Egypt and Libya. That
man is truly an enemy of our own country."
"Assad gassing his own people is an issue of
our national security, regional stability
and global security."
~ Nancy Pelosi
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "..The Obama administration is putting the Muslim Brotherhood in power throughout the Middle East..."
[Inside joke Fox News] "Welly, welly, welly well." ~ Alex, A Clockwork Orange
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "How is Syria using chemical weapons in their civil war a national security concern of the US? It's not. They're lying to make the public think Syria's civil war is any of our business."
Pass the ketchup.
Kerry's Drinks and Dinners with Tyrant
Response to comment [from a Muslim]: [Reagan spoke with Arabs]
Lord, he stinketh (
Ge 16:12,
Jer 7:6 GW).
ACW, where are you?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: ""...We must intervene when the protesters fight back. "...Because, if we don't intervene, things would be worse."
You don't want to side
with the
heart-eating guy?
Ge 16:12
"These folks are
carpenters and blacksmiths and dentists..."
~ Barack Obama
"Not only that, but the more we intervene, the more likely we'll be quietly taking in thousands of Muslim refugees..."
How are those visas
working out for the Christians trying to
leave Syria?
Flashback: Rebels arrested with Sarin gas
Should congress give presidents--esp. Obama--a blank check to bomb?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You're calling on the #1 biggest idiot on this forum to actually try to explain a concept to someone else?"
Ad hominem
Is this the right choice for America?--not
a particular Islamic group Ge 16:12
"His IQ is in the single digits and very possibly negative."
He had such nice things to say about you
we were banned.
"Now, I know you're dumb, but you're not that dumb..."
Ad hominem
Christians shouldn’t sit on the sidelines in the Syria Crisis
McCain: Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' Same as Christians Shouting 'Thank God!'
Top general cannot say what U.S. seeks in Syria
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I think he's gone senile."
Game Time: McCain Plays Poker During War
Obama: 'I didn't set a red line'
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
Paper: Libya left in lawlessness and ruin
Syria intervention plans fueled by oil interests, not chemical weapon concerns
The Obama administration continues to delay Keystone XL
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[Y]ou claim Isaiah 17:1 is still future..."
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and
it shall be a ruinous heap [Isa. 17:1].
"“It shall be a ruinous heap”—there will be those quick to point out that this
has not been fulfilled, inasmuch as the present-day city of Damascus claims to
be the same as the original city. As I have said before, there is a far-off
fulfillment of all these prophecies and a local or contemporary fulfillment
also. There are two possible explanations for the problem presented by this
1. Historians are not always accurate in their identification of such things as
the locations of ancient cities. One man wrote a profound history not long ago
and then made the statement that the biggest liars in the world have been
historians. In the area of present-day Damascus there happen to be many ruins of
a city, and any one of these ruins could be the original Damascus.
Damascus is like a great many of the ancient cities in that when it was
destroyed in one place, they did not always rebuild on the same site, but
shifted it somewhat to another location. (Other cities, such as the sacred city
of Jerusalem, were rebuilt on exactly the same site because of the significance
of the location to the people.) We will just leave this problem to the
archaeologist who hasn’t come up with the answer yet as to which of the ruins is
old Damascus.
2. Damascus has withstood the ravages of war throughout history and has never
ceased being a city, although it has shifted locations. It probably is the
oldest city in the world. It thus far has survived every catastrophe that has
come upon the earth, particularly in a land that has seen army after army march
through it. But it will not survive during the Great Tribulation Period. It will
be destroyed; and, as Isaiah says here, it will cease being a city. It will
become a ruinous heap.
Both of these explanations show the accuracy of the prophecy that Isaiah gives
The cities of Aroer are forsaken: they shall be for flocks, which shall lie
down, and none shall make them afraid [Isa. 17:2].
"“The cities of Aroer” is a suburban area near Damascus. This entire area would
be destroyed. This probably has happened in the past, and it will happen again."
McGee, J. V. (1997). Thru the Bible commentary (electronic ed., Vol. 3, p. 239).
Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The Scriptures say that Damascus (Which is the capital of Syria) will come to ruin."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Translation: We know who our masters are in this fight."
"Reporting for duty."
~ John Kerry
"Bomb both sides." ~ Bob Enyart
Ge 16:12
Ted Cruz: US Is Not 'Al-Qaeda's Air Force'
"...Kerry said those who died in Normandy did so while
"standing up with people for a set of values and fighting for freedom."
Kerry Compares Syrian Intervention to Normandy Invasion
Jer 7:6, GW
Obama Says 'World Set a Red Line' on Chemical Arms
Ge 11:4,
Re 13:17
One World Government/Religion
"I met them, I know them and I know who they are,” McCain
responded. “And I know Syria well enough to know that it is a moderate nation."
Full text:
McCain Faces Opposition to Syria Intervention at Arizona Town Halls
Ge 16:12
What Netanyahu is learning from President Obama’s vacillations on Syria
Obama: "limited...proportional step"
Kerry: "...[An] unbelievably small, limited kind of effort."
Obama: 'Absolutely' on Hold if Syria Abandons Chemical Weapons
John Kerry gives Syria week to hand over chemical weapons or face attack
Putin Takes Advantage of Kerry Blunder
Syria Accepts Russian Weapons Proposal
Putin : U.S. must call off strike
Russian Parliament Gloats as Putin Checkmates Obama Over Syria
John Kerry changes story to claim credit
US military has revised Syria strike plan 50 times, source says
Obama: Assad Doesn't Have Credible Means To Threaten The United States
Kerry: "What Assad has done directly affects America’s security-- America’s
Navy Deploys 'USS Barry' Off Coast of Syria
Syria Admits It Has Chemical Weapons
Joel Rosenberg Sermon: What do Isaiah 17 & Jeremiah 49 foretell about the future
of Damascus?
Notes: On Isaiah 17 and Jeremiah 49
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "But Obama says its a religion of peace."
Pieces (Savage).
Ge 16:12
Response to comment [from a Catholic]:
Right for whom?
Ge 16:12,
Jer 7:6, GW
He has more
"flexibly" for
the UN to take the lead now.
Am 8:5,
Ob 7,
Ge 11:4,
Re 13:17
"We've gone from Mr. Gorbachev, tear
down this wall! to Mr. Putin do
what you think is best."
~ Laura Ingraham
Syria rebel sympathizer got taxpayer funds
"America is not the world's policeman..."
(non sequitur) ~ Barack Obama Ob 7
Now Putin Arms Iran
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Kerry is such a jerk..."
By "jerk" do you
mean evil?
"We’re talking about people being killed by gas and you want to go talk
about Benghazi and Fast and Furious.” ~ John
Mocks US: 'Extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as
"I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits
believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek
~ Barack Obama
"You're seeing the Russian bear trying to roar back."
~ Laura Ingraham
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "If a bunch of Muslims are busy killing each other, that necessarily means that they are not busy killing Americans. My Bible tells me that in as much as it is up to me, I should live in peace with all others. Bottom line: If they aren't coming after Americans, it is up to me to live in peace."
We lead from
behind now.
Ob 7
Jihadis gain ground in Syrian 'rebel' movement
Sources: CIA begins delivering weapons
Assad: Syria to hand over chemical weapons
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Kerry evil] "Only God knows that for sure, but it is certainly possible."
Why do you think Assad used chemical weapons in the first place?
Report: Assad Uses Chemical Weapons in Damascus Again
Response to comment [from a Christian]:
"...No doubt Abortion is genocide."
speaking with her grandchild:
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Assad, chemical weapons]
"I have yet to see irrefutable proof that he personally did. Was it him?
Was it the rebels to get us on their side? Was it rogue Syrian troops?
No one has definitive proof."
was warned not to use chemical weapons.
White House: Putin
McCain: Obama Should Bomb Syria Before Congress Can Say No
Assad to Obama: Stop arming rebels
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Vile cannibalism is in the
following video, showing you the alleged "Civil war". Al-Qaeda is still
trying to establish a Muslim state that makes the Kingdom seem like The
Netherlands. There is no reason to help either side."
“...And he said — 5 years old — ‘Were these children in the United
“And I said, ‘No, but they’re children wherever they are.’”
They have no moral authority.
Pr 8:36,
Ps 33:12
Did he do it? Did the other side do it to drag us into a war? I don't
know; but, the world is less prosperous and secure when we are less
prosperous and secure.
'Owns' World's Syria Strategy
“I feel very badly for my friends in the Free Syrian Army today."
"...[L]et there be no doubt, Islam is a part of
America...As the Holy Quran tells us..."
~ Barack Obama Ob 7
Syrian Army Takes Back Christian Town from Rebels
Video timeline of the Obama administration’s continually evolving Syria policy
Assad has one week to account for weapons
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I suppose, in retrospect, we really didn't lose anything when McCain lost to Obama, did we..."
I hope you didn't vote for him. When you have a choice of
the lesser of evils (
don't vote for evil.
Response to comment [from a pagan]: [To member] "And you think Assad and his little brother (especially his little brother, Maher al Assad) is going to give up all of their nasty little toys?"
Report: WMD's transported to Iraq
Obama praises deal with Russia on Syria, but cautions that work remains
US-Russia Plan on Syria Arms Wins China Support
Obama waives ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition
Putin to visit Iran for first time in six years. Historic trip will raise
renewed interest in the “Gog & Magog” prophecies.
John Kerry: When I said a
deal with Russia was impossible, I did that knowing full well it was possible
Jay Carney: The American people appreciate the indecisiveness on Syria
Analysis- Netanyahu nearing decision on Iran strike
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Obama is a traitor to this country. To arm the enemy that our brave soldiers have died fighting against is an act of [t]reason."
That's correct. Obama is
arming terrorists.
Ob 7 Why else would he need to waive a ban on arming terrorists?
The Muslim Brotherhood in American
Al Qaeda-Linked Syria Group Enjoying USAID? You’ve Got to See This to Believe It
Syria rebels reject coalition, call for Islamic leadership