Scientific American admits creationists hit a sore spot: Need for a ‘new paradigm’ in bird evolution
Scientific American admits creationists hit a sore spot: Need for a ‘new
paradigm’ in bird evolution by Michael Matthews
["The old paradigm of bird evolution is admittedly flawed...
There is no fossil evidence of the transition from simple reptilian scales to
complex feathers with their many interlocking parts. Evolution cannot explain
why feathers would have developed from scales for flight and then developed a
new developmental pathway to form them. To explain this, the authors suggest
that feathers evolved before theropod dinosaurs or birds. There is no fossil
evidence to support this claim
The new mode of interpretation is called evolutionary developmental biology, or
"evo-devo" for short...The new concept is based on many assumptions that limit
its scientific validity..."]
Evolution Exposed. Second Ed.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Are you some kind of peacock showing all your ignorance..."
Ad hominem.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "...[P]eople like you try to hide behind the word of God. You think it somehow restores your lagging credibility."
Ad hominem.
Response to comment [from other]: "Can I suggest...200 years of scientific endeavor and rigorous exhaustive observation and falsification won't be moved by ignorant talking points...he/she helps drive down the enlisting rates for fundamentalist religions...Don't be shy to preach about your religious views in the same thread, too! That would be super!"
Appeal to ridicule, appeal to tradition, appeal to common
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Could you explain in your words..."
Modernity & Postmodernism: An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur
American admits creationists hit a sore spot: Need for a ‘new paradigm’ in bird