Where Would We Be Without the Reformation?
[Where Would
We Be Without the Reformation?
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]
"The month of October is a good time
to remember the spark that ignited
the Reformation on October 31, 1517.
It has now been 497 years since
Martin Luther nailed his ninety-five
theses to the door of the Castle
Church in Wittenberg. In doing so,
he exposed indulgences as a wicked
method to extort money and a device
of Satan to destroy the souls of the
The Doctrine of Justification soon
became the defining doctrine which
divided Roman Catholics and the
Reformers. Catholicism had so
blatantly corrupted the Gospel that
the Reformers sought to reestablish
the message of salvation according
to the Word of God with the "five
solas." God saves sinners by grace
alone, through faith alone, in
Christ alone, according to Scripture
alone, for the glory of God alone.
The Roman Catholic Church defended
its position of "justification by
faith plus works" with a
counter-reformation at the Council
of Trent.
It was there that Rome officially
condemned the Protestant doctrine of
justification by faith on the basis
of the imputed righteousness of
Christ. In its place, Rome taught an
infused righteousness initiated by
water baptism and continued through
the sacraments.
Today, there are many evangelicals
who think the Reformation was a
mistake or unnecessary, and now we
need to tear down the walls of
separation and seek unity with
Catholics. These evangelicals have
been seduced by Rome's strategy to
reverse the Reformation and bring
"separated brethren" back home to
holy mother, the church. In my
Keynote message: Evangelicals and
Catholics: Reversing the
Reformation, Rome's bewitching
strategy to unite all of
Christianity is laid bare. More than
ever we need to enlist in the Lord's
army and earnestly contend for the
faith against the growing apostasy
within the evangelical church." Pro-Gospel.org
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Your understanding of our position is deplorably poor..."
Ad hominem. We can understand your
and reject it based on scripture.
We are saved by grace alone (Eph
2:8-9), through faith alone (Eph
1:13; 2Ti 1:10), in Christ alone
(Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12).
Roman Catholics
deny this (Jude 1:11).
Roman Catholicism
"We do not believe that you are saved by faith and works..."
What are men
saved by?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Learn what an ad hominem actually is before embarrassing yourself further."
Ad hominem
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [What you don't know about Martin Luther]
He was an
You Might Be an Anti-Semite If...
by Bob Enyart