Time for Mass
Response to comment [from a Roman Catholic]: "I'm off to commune with Jesus physically by receiving his body, blood, soul and divinity after hearing his words proclaimed..."
A mass waste of time and a blasphemous ritual. No priest can call Jesus down to sacrifice him all over again.
"The Nutritious Bread of God's Word [Devotional brought to you by Dr. Adrian Rogers, Love Worth Finding]...
"...But He answered and said, 'It is written, Man shall
not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of
God.'" Matthew 4:4 KJV.
I believe many churches are suffering a famine because their pulpits are not
feeding heavenly bread to their flocks. If you are not feeding on the Bible
daily, you are either not saved, or you are dying of spiritual malnutrition. The
only strength we have is found when we feed upon the Word of God.
Job said, "I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food"
(Job 23:12) KJV. In other words, Job was saying that if he had to choose between
eating physical bread or spiritual bread, he would rather have the Word of God.
How I pray that people reading this would commit to a daily routine of
exercising on their knees in prayer and feeding with the nutritious bread of
God's Word."
Be born again (Jn 3:7), then God will speak with you about good works.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[S]adly, they have simply changed Baal's name to "Jesus"."
Ouch. You hit the nail on the head. I'm sad to say that I agree with you.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "I believe this to be true."
When you are exposed to the truth of God's word, why do you resist it (Heb 12:5)? Is your loyalty for a church greater than your loyalty to God's word? Who will be your ultimate authority? Rome? Or the word of God? Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his day. Don't you see that the Roman Catholic Church is filled with modern day Pharisees?
Do you think that everyone can be deceived but you?
"[W]ho or what is your authority?
The word of God is my authority (Ps 138:2).
"Where do you get the word of God?"
Here we go on your Socratic roller coaster again (2 Ti 3:7). Let's start from the beginning...
Catholic Traditions:
"..."You nullify the Word of God by your traditions
that you have handed down" (Mark 7:13)
Over the years many traditions have crept into the Roman Catholic Church,
nullifying the Word of God and His saving grace. The following list shows a
steady departure over the years from the pure Gospel of salvation. Each
tradition goes directly against the truth of Scripture. Roman Catholics are
required to believe all the doctrines of their church.
Year Tradition
431 Proclamation that infant baptism regenerates the soul.
500 The Mass instituted as re-sacrifice of Jesus for the remission of sin
593 Declaration that sin need to be purged, established by Pope Gregory I
600 Prayers directed to Mary, dead saints, and angels.
786 Worship of cross, images, and relics authorized.
995 Canonization of dead people as saints initiated by Pope John XV.
1000 Attendance at Mass made mandatory under the penalty of mortal sin.
1079 Celibacy of priesthood, decreed by Pope Gregory VII.
1090 Rosary, repetitious praying with beads, invented by Peter the Hermit.
1184 The Inquisitions, instituted by the Council of Verona.
1190 The sale of Indulgences established to reduce time in Purgatory.
1215 Transubstantiation, proclaimed by Pope Innocent III.
1215 Confession of sin to priests, instituted by Pope Innocent III.
1229 Bible placed on Index of Forbidden Books in Toulouse.
1438 Purgatory elevated from doctrine to dogma by Council of Florence.
1545 Tradition claimed equal in authority with the Bible by the Council of
1546 Apocryphal Books declared canon by Council of Trent.
1854 Immaculate Conception of Mary, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX.
1870 Infallibility of the Pope, proclaimed by Vatican Council.
1922 Virgin Mary proclaimed co-redeemer with Jesus by Pope Benedict XV.
1950 Assumption of Virgin Mary into heaven, proclaimed by Pope Pius
Do you have any interest in God's way or will you continue in the way of Cain? (Jude 1:11).
"The Bible gives overwhelming evidence as to why Scripture must be always our sole authority for faith. The Word of God is pure, perfect, inerrant, infallible, living, truth, light, holy, eternal, and forever settled in heaven. It illuminates, cleanses, saves, frees, guides, converts, heals, quickens, judges, and sanctifies. It also brings conviction, gives knowledge, gives wisdom, produces faith, refutes error, searches the heart, equips for every good work, and is used as a weapon. The Word of God is even exalted even above the very name of God. Have you read Psalm 138:2...?" Full text: Sola Scriptura
"Can you recommend a book that will help me get started?"
The Bible, start with the epistle to the Galatians.
Do you wonder why you have never heard this preached in a Roman Catholic Church?
"[H]ow do I get this spirit to talk to me?"
Repent of all your religion. Get a relationship with the person of Jesus. Receive him as your savior (Jn 3:7).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "'[E]kklesia means calling out of individuals."
Will we need a frequent mass attendance punch card to get into heaven? How many punches would it take to stay out of Purgatory?
"Why do you skip over verses? [I]sn't God's work complete enough for you?"
Famous last words: "It is finished" (Jn 19:13).
"Catholics who attend daily mass read nearly the entire bible every three years."
False--not Galatians, not Romans. Nice try.
When cistercian gets back from mass, let's ask: How are people saved today? By their works or by faith? No cheating--"Paul spoke about the root of faith (Eph 2:8). James spoke about the fruit of faith (Jm 2:17-18). ~ Adrienne Rogers
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "All men have been deceived by their churches..."
Yes, we are all deceived except for you keypurr.
Return to Jn 1:1-3 for an understanding of who God is.
False Teaching about the Trinity
Modern Example: Mormonism - Jesus was a created being and the Spirit-brother of
Lucifer, who became a god. Mormonism teaches that there are many gods and we too
can become gods.
Modalism (also Sabellianism, Modalistic
Modern Example: United Pentecostal Church - "Jesus only", there is only one God
who manifests himself in three modes. God is essentially playing different roles
and the assumption is that in the Old Testament he revealed himself as the
Father, in the New Testament God reveals himself as Jesus, and in the church-age
as Holy Spirit.
Arianism (Dynamic Monarchianism):
Modern Example: Jehovah's Witnesses - Denying the deity of Jesus and the Holy
Spirit. Jesus was a created being adopted by God, and the Holy Spirit is simply
the power of God or a force..." Full text: http://www.thecityaustin.com/sermon/the-trinity/
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Discard all of the RCC false teachings and start from scratch. Like the Trinity folly and Sunday worship."
Throw the baby out with the bathwater right? That's your plan, we know.
You are not even a Christian, keypurr. The doctrine of the trinity is biblical (Mt 3:16,17; 28:19; Ro 8:9; 1Co 12:3-6; 2Co 13:14; Eph 4:4-6; 1Pe 1:2; Jude 1:20,21; Re 1:4,5).
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: [Revelation] "It was kept on the canon list because many churches found it useful for instruction..."
It is God (not man) who gives scripture for our understanding of doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Ti 3:16). The canon of scripture is closed no matter how hard Latter Day Aints (2 Co 2:17) try to add to it (Re 22:18,19).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: The Plot
That would make too much sense.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: You have no clue as to my Christian faith.
You deny the deity of Jesus. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes.
"I do not wish to hijack this thread. But start one and I will join you. After all we are here to share, right?"
Christians reject your teaching. That is why we make lists like
Satan, Inc. and you are on it.
"I had been deceived."
"Friend," you tried that. Anyone can say they were deceived and now they've seen the light. You'll have to back it up with more than "trust me". The word of God is our final authority. Your understanding of Jn 1:1-3 does not pass the stink test.
Roman Catholics--take note--see what happens when we depart from the word of God? Sin gives birth to those like keypurr (Jas 1:15).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I would agree with you.. but there is a problem.. the Holy Spirit never inspired a table of contents for the Bible..."
Fair enough.
Men must figure it all out. "Thus saith the LORD ..." is always a good
There are ways of knowing which books belong in the Bible.
We ask:
1) Was the book written by a prophet of God?
2) Was the writer authenticated by miracles to confirm his message?
3) Does the book tell the truth about God, with no falsehood or contradiction?
4) Does the book evince a divine capacity to transform lives?
5) Was the book accepted as God's Word by the people to whom it was first
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "Christ and the Apostles were acting under the authority of men but they were acting under the authority of God."
Christ is not an Apostle. He is the second person of the trinity (Joh 20:28).
The apostles were ordained by Christ (Mr 3:14; Joh 15:16); sent first to the house of Israel ( Mt 10:5,6; Lu 24:47; Ac 13:46) then to preach the gospel to all nations (Mt 28:19,20; Mr 16:15; 2Ti 1:11).
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "That's why I said Christ and the Apostles, the "and" clearly separates the two..."
Mormons teach that they will be gods (as a reminder you will never be a god. God will always be God and we will always be his creation). "Christ and the Apostles" fine. Christ is separate and apart from his disciples. We can agree on that. Although the Mormon Jesus is a false one (tri-theistic).
"...Things like this make me think you're just here to stir the pot and convince yourself of your own superiority."
"Superior"? No, ad hominem. I do not believe that I am superior. Christians are the very people who realize that they are not superior (Ro 3:12). Jesus is. Aren't you the one who wants to be a god? Check your pride.
"Stir pot"? No. I'm here in an attempt to remove the poison that false teachers like Mormons have already put into the pot. Clean your pot, then God can fill it with his holy word (Lev 11:34).
Response to comment: "You are surely living up to your name 'serpent'."
Jesus is the source of all wisdom (Eccl 1:1-20).
"...[H]ow can you live up to it [the word of God]?"
I thought the "word" was nothing to live up to--just academic for you...and these guys:
1) Keypurr (Emerging Church: Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick)
2) Pierac (Charismatic/Emerging Church Frank Viola, Juan Baixeras)
3) csuguy
4) adopted son 77
5) Paul McNabb (Mormon)
6) Seydlitz77 (Mormon)
7) Martin.Harris (Mormon)
8) Elected4ever
9) Squeaky
10) Aner
11) Lazy Afternoon
12) Jerzy...
Full text: Satan Inc. (ToL Heretics List)
No man measures up to God's perfect law (Ro 3:12).
They need a savior ( Isa. 9:2 Matt. 4:16; Luke 1:79. Isa. 42:16; Isa. 50:10; Matt. 6:22, 23; Luke 11:34; John 1:5; John 3:19–21; John 8:12; John 11:9, 10; Acts 26:18; Rom. 1:21; Rom. 13:12, 13; 1 Cor. 4:5; 2 Cor. 4:6; 2 Cor. 6:14; Eph. 5:8, 11; 1 Thess. 5:4, 5; 1 Pet. 2:9; 1 John 1:5–7; 1 John 2:8–11).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[I]t is time to shake their dust from our sandals..."
Do you recognize that Roman Catholics are modern day Pharisees?
"...[T]he Pharisees...reduced the law of God to doable human standards. Christ told his followers that unless their righteousness exceeded that of the scribes and Pharisees they would not enter the kingdom of heaven!...
...Human legalism leads to human self-righteousness. Human self-righteousness denies the need for the saving, enabling grace of Christ. Human righteousness embraces the cruelest of Satan's lies, that a person can be righteous by keeping the law. If that were true, there would have been no need for the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ." (The Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens by Paul David Tripp).
Do you recognize rebellion in all your "righteousness"? The super-pious are the hardest people to reach with the gospel of Jesus. Man cannot come to God in his own righteousness. He must be clothed in Christ's righteousness (Ga 3:27).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Mary's perpetual virginity is important..."
Mary was not a perpetual virgin as Roman Catholics teach (Mt 13:55-56; Mk 6:3-4; Mt 1:25). God alone is to be worshipped (Isa 2:17-18).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[T]he "righteous" people seem to be coming from the "I'm saved" camp."
It does not matter what camp people "seem" to come from. What matters is what camp they are in. There are not two gospels. There is one gospel: "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast (Eph 2:7-9)." Either you believe in a gospel of works (man made [Jude 11]) or you believe in a gospel of grace (God made).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Mary Worship/Siblings of Jesus]
Wrong. Mary had normal relations with Joseph after the birth of Jesus (Mt 13:55-56; Mk 6:3-4; Mt 1:25). It is idolatry to worship Mary. God hates idolatry (Isa 2:17-18). Mary would be grieved if she knew (she cannot hear your prayer) how the world has made an idol out of her. This is of course why Roman Catholics remove the Second Commandment:
Get your eye off Mary.
Get your eye on Jesus.
"Catholics do have their eyes on Jesus. That's what predicated most of the Marian doctrines."
Throw out the false teaching of Mary worship and get on track with God's plan and purpose found in the word of God.
Catholics do not seem to be able to get through a sentence without doing one of the following: 1. making an idol of something 2. defending their church even when error is pointed out 3. recalling their supposedly great history 4. accusing others of failing to know Catholic doctrine 5. taking critique of Catholic doctrine personally. Why don't they start taking it personally when God's word is perverted and distorted? (2 Ti 4:3).
Loyalty should be toward God's word not pretty buildings filled with zombies from dawn of the living dead--feel them--are they lukewarm? Get out of a place where men honor themselves (Rev. 3:14–22) and get into a place where God's word is taught and honored (Rev. 3:7–13).
I suggest you fire all your priests. Make them go out and make an honest living.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Tomorrow...my husband and I will be receiving our Lord: body, blood, soul, and divinity..."
Wait until Eucharist worship
meets with the sword of Islam.
Good luck with that.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[P]assages in the Bible. They cannot be answered well except with a Traditional, Orthodox, Anglican understanding..."
Ad Antiquitatem. What Bible passage cannot be answered without Rome?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Might I suggest that you actually study Catholic theology and history..."
Circumstantial Ad Hominem. I have for over 30 years.
Is A Roman Catholic Christian An Oxymoron?
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph Communication
"Is he that scared man- Roger Oakland? Poor thing. I will pray for him- an
extra Rosary will help. Our Lady to the rescue!"
You can't say you haven't been warned of your idolatry
and false teaching (Eze 33). You are still a brood of vipers (Mt 23:13, Mt
12:34, Mt 6:7, Pr 15:29).
"Really? Tell us, which institution did you study at?"
So you can avoid doctrinal issues? Try to argue the issue instead of attacking the person.
"And your posting of your website just proves my earlier post concerning your making an idol of yourself."
Yes, you said that. I reject your accusation. People who write make idols of themselves? We are not allowed to challenge bad doctrine?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "You make these grandiose claims..."
What grandiose claims? I challenge the false teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
"...yet when people respond, you say that they are resulting in ad hominem attacks."
When people respond with ad hominem attacks, I respond by pointing it out.
"...support your claim that you are indeed educated in Catholic theology and doctrine."
I've never practiced witchcraft. Am I not free to critique Wicca? I speak about issues. You should try to stay on them. You won't know my teacher anyway (Jer 4:22).
"[P]eople who only reference their own writings..."
I refer to my writings and the writings of others.
"...to try and prove a point are. It's a bit like the English teacher who only has the students read the poetry and plays that the he/she wrote, rather than having them read Shelly or Shakespeare. They assume their own subjective works are on par (or superior to) the classics. You make the same error."
I quote theologians who are a whole lot smarter than me. Are you ready to get back to addressing the false teaching of the Roman Catholic Church?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Catholics believe in a Gospel of grace, as the Catechism points out..."
So men are saved by grace alone? Faith alone?
"...It's faith and good works..."
That's what I thought. What must men do to be saved according to the Roman Catholic Church?...And then what?...And then what?...And then what?
Get yourself saved and then God will speak with you about your works. Your works before salvation are filthy rags to God (Isa 64:6).
Catholics teach that you must follow their sacraments to get to heaven. This is not biblical. We are saved by God's grace through faith. It is a gift from God not the Roman Catholic Church (Eph 2:8).
The Roman Catholic Church tries to steal God's glory. Jesus is the head of the church not Rome. He builds his church not Rome. His believers are located throughout the world. You do not have to be a member of the Roman Catholic Church to be saved as they teach. Like every cult and 'sim, Catholics teaches that they are the only way to God. That is false. Jesus is the only way to God (Jn 14:6). It is Jesus period not Jesus plus. The moment you add to his finished work on the cross, you blaspheme his name. It's all about his grace. It is not all about Rome.
Three Common Errors of False Teachers
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Your rejection of god is evident for all to see. I suggest you repent and follow Jesus."
It's true. But instead of repenting after hearing the nutrition of God's word (Jn 15:2-3), they only dig their heals in deeper (2 Ti 4:3).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[W]e do repent..."
How do you repent? Are you cleaned by the Eucharist or by the word of God? (Jn 15:2-3).
"...and follow Jesus."
Do you follow a church and a Pope or do you follow the person of Jesus?
"[A]re you running out of web sites?"
Mike Gendron (www.http://pro-gospel.org) is one of the best evangelists I know. He is good witnessing to Catholics because he was a Catholic for over 30 years. He knows what it is like to have been deceived by false teachers. He is not ashamed of the gospel (Ro 1:16). Now he shares it with others.
13, 251 posts later--I don't think you have any interest in following the true and living God.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "The links he posts are not to www.scripturetext.com but rather to his own site; where Scripture may or may not be referenced."
I can only assume you mean the links that I provided. They reference scripture. What scripture do you disagree with? Are we supposed to use only www.scripturetext.com? It's hard to keep up legalists.
Response to comment: Here are some examples of
scripture that you reject and Catholics accept.
John 6
53Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son
of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54Whoever eats my flesh and
drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55For
my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. 56Whoever eats my flesh and
drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him.
John 20
21Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending
you." 22And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit.
23If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them,
they are not forgiven."
1 Timothy 3
15if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God's
household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of
the truth.
We don't reject these Bible verses. Why would you say we do?
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph Communication
A Scriptural Response to Catholic Publication: Are Catholics 'saved'? by Thomas Smith
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[A]ny challenge that you do not like is relegated to an ad hominem attack."
I don't mind a challenge. Stop using ad hominem attacks if you would like me to stop pointing it out. Addressing the issues not the person would be helpful.
"[Y]ou do not have the freedom to present yourself as an authority on something, otherwise any person who had an opinion would be teaching at Harvard or Oxford."
Any child can understand the false teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
"However going and implying that your teacher is too obscure for anyone to know, is not really a ringing endorsement of his pedagogy."
(Mt 11:15).
"I must have missed the link to the CCC and the Church Fathers among all of the links to your website."
I may not have made myself clear--I hold the word of God as the authority not the Roman Catholic Church. God's word is the final word.
"I have been taught by theologians who are a whole lot smarter than you are."
The apostle Paul could have said the same thing--but didn't (1 Cor 2:2).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Do you accept these verses?"
I accept all of of scripture. I do not accept the Roman Catholic Church's perversion of scripture.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Sacred tradition is just as vital to it [Roman Catholic teaching] as sacred scripture is."
It might be to Rome but it is not to God. Your tradition is what damns you (Mk 7:8). God has magnified his word over your tradition (Ps 138:2).
"If you kill the letter, you will not have the spirit of the letter..."
Killing the word leads to your own death (Pr 16:25). Jesus is the word (Jn 1:1).
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: ["Mormons teach that they will be gods (as a reminder you will never be a god. God will always be God and we will always be his creation)."]"[T]he points in question have absolutely no bearing on this thread. I mean you called me out over something that hasn't even been discussed in this thread and it appears to be just because I'm a Mormon."
It is always appropriate to share the gospel of Jesus Christ ("Christ" is his divine title). He keeps it. You will never get it. You said: "S77 Quote: "That's why I said Christ and the Apostles, the "and" clearly separates the two..."
If you are discussing the relationship between God and man, it must be pointed out that your cult perverts God's nature (tri-theism). God is one (Deut 6:4).
"If you really want to discuss Mormon doctrine (and please note the word discuss) then start or find an appropriate thread in which to do so and I'll gladly throw in my two cents (if it's a discussion of viewpoints and not an attack of viewpoints)."
We were discussing the Roman Catholic Mass. The nature of God (Eucharist worship, tri-theism) is at issue. Both Mormons and Catholics make an idol out of God. God is one (Deut 6:4). He cannot be called down, contained (1 Ki 8:27) and re-sacrificed all over again (Jn 19:30) [Roman Catholic teaching]. He is not a god of man's creation, spirit brother Lucifer [Mormon teaching]. God is: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Mt 3:16,17; 28:19; Ro 8:9; 1Co 12:3-6; 2Co 13:14; Eph 4:4-6; 1Pe 1:2; Jude 1:20,21; Re 1:4,5). He must be worshipped in spirit and in truth (Jn 4:24).
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "The title Christ alone does not make Jesus divine..."
Jesus is divine, eternal God and creator (Ps 102:24-27; Heb 1:8,10-12). The apostle John made this abundantly clear: "Every spirit that does not confess that Jesus (his human name) Christ (his divine title) has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world (1 Jn 4:3)." Whether you deny Jesus in his flesh or Jesus in his spirit--you are an antichrist.
"I state a separation between Christ and His apostles and you use that quote to remind me that God is one?"
Just in case you thought you would be a god (that is what Mormonism teaches), I wanted to make clear that God is separate and over his apostles--the Apostles will not be gods.
"Now if you have problems with Eucharist well then take it up with the Catholics and this is the right thread for it. If you have problems with other's understanding of [the] Trinity then this is the wrong thread."
When you creep in, others must be made aware (Jude 1:4). If you make a comment on: the nature of God, who he is, why he came, etc., then others need to be made aware that you do not come from a biblical position.
"[W]hy did you wait 9 pages to respond to my last post?"
A few housekeeping items: I'm sorry for the delay.
I sometimes miss the little yellow light in the hybrid display format of the
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "I was discussing the composition and selection of the canon and not God and I was sharing from the writings of early Christians not Mormon sources."
Knowing what scripture is is of course important, too. If a Mormon would like to discuss the canon of scripture, it must be noted that his cult attempts to add to scripture (e.g. The Book of Mormon) which is forbidden by God (Re 22:18, 19). Catholics add to scripture as well. False teachers will have their place in the lake of fire, be they Catholic (Mt 6:16) or Mormon (2 Co 2:17). God decides the canon of scripture not man. The canon of scripture is closed (Ps119:89). The Bible is made up of 66 books no more.
"Well if you want to get technical, your 66 books is the result of a removal from the canon of books and portions now referred to as the Apocrypha, so really one could say Catholics have a more complete Bible."
It is true that books were added and then taken away. What matters is--what is scripture?
Why Isn't the Apocrypha in the Bible?
Did Constantine Decide What Books Belonged in the Bible?
What Occurred at The Council of Nicea?
The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible?
"If you only acknowledge 66 books that's fine by me, I have the same KJV anyone
else has just different footnotes but footnotes aren't scripture."
The KJV Bible is good. Get rid of the Book of Mormon and you are good to go.
"If you really want to seriously discuss canon and scripture then refer to what I said in post #81 ["The gospel of John is not scripture."]
The gospel of John is most certainly in the canon of scripture:
"Let’s start with a look at Psalm 82, the psalm that Jesus quotes in John 10:34. The Hebrew word translated “gods” in Psalm 82:6 is elohim. It usually refers to the one true God, but it does have other uses. Psalm 82:1 says, “God presides in the great assembly; he gives judgment among the gods.” It is clear from the next three verses that the word “gods” refers to magistrates, judges, and other people who hold positions of authority and rule. Calling a human magistrate a “god” indicates three things: 1) he has authority over other human beings, 2) the power he wields as a civil authority is to be feared, and 3) he derives his power and authority from God Himself, who is pictured as judging the whole earth in verse 8..." Full text: What does the Bible mean by “you are gods” / "ye are gods" in Psalm 82:6 and John 10:34?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Canon of scripture] "...[Y]our Bible just got a lot smaller."
We are to trust in the Lord (not the church) [Pr 3:5]. Begin with his word:
"...The nation of Israel treated the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books with respect, but never accepted them as true books of the Hebrew Bible. The early Christian church debated the status of the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals, but few early Christians believed they belonged in the canon of Scripture. The New Testament quotes from the Old Testament hundreds of times, but nowhere quotes or alludes to any of the Apocryphal / Deuterocanonical books. Further, there are many proven errors and contradictions in the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals...
...The Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books teach many things that are not true and are not historically accurate. While many Catholics accepted the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals previously, the Roman Catholic Church officially added the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals to their Bible at the Council of Trent in the mid 1500’s A.D., primarily in response to the Protestant Reformation. The Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals support some of the things that the Roman Catholic Church believes and practices which are not in agreement with the Bible. Examples are praying for the dead, petitioning “saints” in Heaven for their prayers, worshipping angels, and “alms giving” atoning for sins. Some of what the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals say is true and correct. However, due to the historical and theological errors, the books must be viewed as fallible historical and religious documents, not as the inspired, authoritative Word of God." Full text: What are the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books?
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "Scripture is any teaching, prophecy, or testimony, which is given by the Spirit of God 2 Peter 1:20-21 KJV By that standard there is much in the Apocrypha which is scripture."
That is false for the following reasons: Non-acceptance by the Jewish canon, Seeming Exclusion by Jesus Himself, Lack of reference to the Apocrypha in the NT, Rejection by many early church fathers, Test of Propheticity, Errors in the Apocrypha... Full text: Why Isn't the Apocrypha in the Bible?
"[W]e run into difficulties with the Gospel of John [Re 22:18-19 KJV]"
Reject it at your own peril:
"Augustine and many other early Christians quote extensively from the apocryphal books..."
Augustine was influenced by Greek paganism. Quoting extensively from a book does not make it scripture.
"Jesus and the Apostles quoted extensively from the Deuterocanonicals..."
Understand what scripture is.
"[T]here are many proven errors and contradictions in the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonicals. Here are a few websites that demonstrate these errors..." Full text: What are the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books?
The Apocrypha Contradicts Scripture
What About the Apocrypha?
Response to comment [from a Mormon]: "I never said I rejected the Gospel of John or any other scripture."
Good. Pay particularly close attention to what happens to a person or cult who adds to the teachings of scripture (e.g. Book of Mormon). Re 22:18,19. There are no latter day saints. Mormons handle the word of God deceitfully (2Co 4:2). The canon of scripture is closed.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[T]here is not reason for you or me or anyone to make these bold statements about what is Holy Spirit inspired or not."
There most certainly is. If you are going to trust men over God, you will end up in a bad place (Ac 5:29). We must know exactly what scripture is so others cannot add uninspired books and teach from them for their own purposes. False prophets (Is. 56:10, 11) and false teachers are motivated by greed (2 Pet. 2:14, 15). You will need to decide for yourself if your church loves you--for you or for what you can do for them (Rev. 3:14–22).
What are the Apocrypha / Deuterocanonical books?
"None of the Bible is a historical document! It is a spiritual family memoir and a guide to the Kingdom, pure and simple."
Absurd. Every good archeologist has a spade in one hand and a Bible in the other.
Understand, we become like our idols. This thread started
out with "...going to mass". If you worship a Eucharist, you
will become like it--lukewarm and lifeless (Re 3:16). Our God
cannot be contained in a wafer or a box. He never could (1 Ki
8:27). Worship the true and living God (Jn 4:24). Be
nourished by his word (Jn 15:3).
"So what was the Ark of the Covenant? I gilded armoire?"
Consider Solomon's temple: