National ID Card Fingerprints and/or DNA?
Do you think a national ID card is a good idea? The
Republicans claim that it will help prevent illegal aliens from gaining
employment. It is supported by Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham.
They plan to put your fingerprint on it. Why not your DNA?
"For more than a decade, host Bob Enyart has been calling for a comprehensive
National DNA database...U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo urged a policy of DNA
swabs for everyone entering the United States..." Full text:
Sex Act Charge for 40/29's Mike Courington
Jn 8:36
Unreasonable Search and Seizure
One World Government/Religion
Also see:
National Worker ID Card Proposed for Immigration Plan
Response to comment [from a Christian]: ""...[T]hey are really all
about globalism, and enslaving people...Can't you see we are becoming slaves,
the frog in the frying pan is true, your excepting a police state mentality and
don't even no it....You have your criminals a_s backwards! I can live with the
ones your all bothered about, but neither of us will, with the ones your
oblivious to."
You can live with rapists getting away with their crimes? You wouldn't agree to
giving a sample of your DNA if it meant that the next innocent girl is not raped
and murdered because the criminal knows he'll be caught?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "...Opening this door allows the
feds into our bodies, blood, and lives, to say nothing of entertaining the
dangers of abusing this power.
P.S. Nice to see Bob looking out for his kids this way. Can't imagine what I'd
think of my father if this was his reasoning for taking samples... "
If you were my son, I'd sneak in your room at night, shave your head, and looks
for numbers tattooed...
...Never mind.
You won't give up a little freedom to catch a criminal?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[Give up a little privacy]
"That's the problem folks right there folks."
You value your Batman status over finding rapists?
"You value being a serf to men other than to God who gave you liberty!"
I value catching rapists and putting them to death. That
is a biblical value (Deut. 22:25).
Perhaps we go a little overboard on this whole privacy issue. I know how much
"cooler we are online" as Brad Paisley might say. But the fact is, we do not
live in total anonymity; nor should we. We are a community. We need to work
together as a community. Jesus said love your neighbor (Mt 19:19). The most
neighborly thing we can do is hunt down bad guys and kill them.
If your loved one was raped, would you want the rapist found by all means
necessary? Why would you not want the same for your neighbor?
"[Y]our methods reek of [totalitarianism]."
I think that's what Satan wants us to think: The Nazis did
this so anything we do similarly will lead to the gas chambers. No, we can use
our brains and keep our government in check. Let's use the tools available to
catch criminals.
Leftists like to say that Hitler was on the right; however, if you look at his
policies and the policies of other tyrants, you will see that they resemble the
same policies as leftists today.
"Jonah Goldberg reminds us that the original fascists were really on the left,
and that liberals from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to Hillary Clinton have advocated
policies and principles remarkably similar to those of Histler's National
Socialism and Mussolini's Fascism.
Contrary to what most people think, the Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the
term "National Socialism"). They believed in free health care and guaranteed
jobs. They confiscated inherited wealth and spent vast sums on public education.
They purged the church from public policy, promoted a new form of pagan
spirituality, and inserted the authority of the state into every nook and cranny
of daily life. The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported abortion,
euthanasia, and gun control. They loathed the free market, provided generous
pensions for the elderly, and maintained a strict racial quota system in their
universities--where campus speech codes were all the rage. The Nazis led the
world in organic farming and alternative medicine. Hitler was a strict
vegetarian, and Himmler was an animal rights activist... (Sleeve of his book,
Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg)."
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "It's that kind of pathetic,
weak-spined mentality that aids and abets regimes all throughout history."
You're right. A national ID card was used in Austria:
"We could not board a bus or train without our ID card…Instead, we had creeping
...Totalitarianism didn’t come quickly, it took 5 years from 1938 until 1943, to
realize full dictatorship in Austria...
...[W]e have to protect our civil liberties. While some people need power to
secure our freedom, we must be ever-vigilant to maintain a system of checks and
balances …" Full text:
A cautionary tale — girlhood memories of the Third Reich
Yes, learn from history. Also yes, keep your government in check. Meanwhile, find rapists and kill them (Deut. 22:25).
"You don't need a national ID or a tyrannical government to handle rape,
We have a national ID. It's called a U.S. Passport. Frankly, I think Schumer and
Graham are short-sighted (as usual). If they really did not want illegal aliens
to get jobs, they would ensure that laws on the books are enforced. But they
don't demand that. Instead, they propose a new ID. What is the real reason? I
don't know. Maybe they are both motivated by Satan's whispers in their ears. God
knows they don't listen to godly men and women.
Can Satan use such a tool in the future to control the public in some way?
Probably (Re 13:17). Until then, let's catch rapists and kill them (Deut.
And yes, we do need government to enforce the laws. Because they don't, another
woman will be raped today.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "People aren't required to
get a passport."
That's true. But why a whole new form of ID?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "[T]he whole problem with national ID proposals is that they are mandatory, while of course passports are not."
Right. But why a whole new system of identification? Is it for a mass storage of information in the future?
"[S]eriously, what is your obsession/hang up with rape?"
Is that your way of saying you don't give a damn? Luke 10:30–32; Matt. 27:3, 4. Guess you don't love your neighbor much (Mt 19:19).
"It's a tragedy, and it's a crime, but you're starting to border on the bizarre or pathological."
Your privacy is more important than stopping criminals. Would you feel the same if your family member was raped?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Full body scans at airports]
"And that is sickening as well."
I appreciate your love of privacy. That's a good thing. But this is the world we
live in. It's not as sickening as fleshing burning in a ball of flames at 35,000
feet. The bad guys will always want to kill us and we always need to stay
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Why not explosive-sniffing dogs?...These would not violate our privacy and keep us much safer than any DNA test or full-body scan. Also any passenger who pays in cash for a one-way ticket to a place not his home country - that one gets the full sniff-up from the dogs..."
Why not? We all love explosive-sniffing dogs
sniffing our crotches?
Look, whatever it takes.
Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world where some who worship a terrorist god
end up like their idol--a terrorist.
We share the planet with the wicked now but it won't be that way forever (Mt
For now, we love them, we share the truth with them, and we tolerate
explosive-sniffing dogs in our crotches. It's a minor inconvenience
considering the glory ahead of us (Ro 8:18). We'll all laugh about it one
day around campfires in eternity.
A national DNA database would virtually eliminate rape. The rapists would know they'd be caught.
In airports scanners and dogs help. Of course since we must look for bombs and drugs due to the choices of the wicked, people get hurt. Dogs bite.
Customs Patrol Dog Attacks [4 Year-Old] Child At Dulles Airport
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "A full-body scanner can only see inside clothes, not inside the body."
"The human abdominal cavity is quite roomy; a sizeable mass of explosives could be hidden inside it."
TMI. :
"Eventually, some ingenious idiot will figure out a way to detonate such explosives reliably."
E.T.: "Ouch."
"Think about that the next time you board a plane."
Now I will, thanks.
"Air Marshalls can't fight what they can't detect..."
told you--Air Infidel. We're going to be
big. No dirty yaks (Ingraham). No burquas. We can bring hair
gel, snow globes and dreidels again.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Give up a little freedom] "I'd
rather not.."
Who wants to give up freedom? We love our freedom.
"...[T]hey'll try to get it bit by bit...thinking I'm like the little
frog, who starts out in warm water and allows himself to be cooked slowly as the
heat increases..."
True. So we must be even more vigilant and keep our eye on government. What
percentage of people even vote in our country? "...[O]n average, roughly half of
those who are eligible to vote actually cast a ballot for president. The
proportion is lower in elections which are only local."
What percentage of People Vote in the U.S.?
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: [Fingerprints on national ID]
"...[I]t's nothing more than crushing intrusion into private life."
The government has my fingerprints and I have not found it to be an intrusion
into my life. But then again, I'm not a criminal. It could be intrusive if I
planned to harm someone. And it could be very intrusive if they had my DNA and I
planned to harm someone.
Enyart has said before that he would want his kids to give a sample of their DNA
because it would help to ensure that they do not become rapists.
But Schumer and Graham want your fingerprints not your DNA? It's as if they want
to be ineffective and incompetent. What else is new in Washington?
Fingerprints are very helpful if you are living in 1892 and you have no
technology to find Jack the Ripper. But in today's day and age, DNA is a gift
from God to hunt down bad guys.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You wanna punish law abiding
citizens! Criminals will ignore it! Good job Nimrod!"
The idea here is that no one could ignore it--which rapists do now by the way
(that being the law).
I get the whole frog in the pan thing. But we are not frogs. We can hop and chew
gun at the same time and we can hold our government accountable.
"We can hold our government accountable? Since when? When has the government
listened to you? Never Serpent, Never!"
Never is about right. Still, we try (Lk 19:13).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [DNA database] "It is invasion
of privacy..."
DNA is but fingerprints aren't? The brainiacs Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham
want fingerprints but not DNA.
Fingerprints don't help to solve crimes like DNA? Of course people could misused
the information and we don't punish rapists as we should, but don't you think
that rapist himself would be less likely to commit a crime when he knows that
his DNA is on file?
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "It would not only invade our
privacy, it would completely take it away."
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The microchip for people is
creeping in also..."
If we tracked criminals down and punished them appropriately with some biblical
justice none of this would be an issue (Num. 35:31). The problem is, we don't.
The criminal knows he'll be cared for in prison. He'll be given a free health
club membership, free health and dental care, and books to read to eventually
sue the government (Enyart).
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "Handing over this kind of information and power to the State is a nightmarish prospect. Your inability to acknowledge..."
I do not support handing all kinds of
information over to the state. I did not say that was was a supporter of a
national ID card. In fact, I am suspicious of it because of its backers.
If Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham are proposing it, something must be wrong.
I do support a national DNA database to stop rape. How would this become a nightmarish prospect for you?
"...[Y]our bizarre obsession with this one crime is making you unable to think critically."
Ad hominem.
It's not bizarre that you are apathetic to rape victims? See, this is why Satanists don't make for good neighbors (Mt 19:19).
[Privacy more important than stopping criminals] "In some cases, yes. That is the price you pay for living in a free society, whether you or other armchair fascists like it or not."
Ad hominem.
Fascists throughout time supported leftists positions:
"Jonah Goldberg reminds us that the original fascists were really on the
left, and that liberals from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to Hillary Clinton have
advocated policies and principles remarkably similar to those of Hitler's
National Socialism and Mussolini's Fascism.
Contrary to what most people think, the Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the
term "National Socialism"). They believed in free health care and guaranteed
jobs. They confiscated inherited wealth and spent vast sums on public education.
They purged the church from public policy, promoted a new form of pagan
spirituality, and inserted the authority of the state into every nook and cranny
of daily life. The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported abortion,
euthanasia, and gun control. They loathed the free market, provided generous
pensions for the elderly, and maintained a strict racial quota system in their
universities--where campus speech codes were all the rage. The Nazis led the
world in organic farming and alternative medicine. Hitler was a strict
vegetarian, and Himmler was an animal rights activist... (Sleeve of his book,
Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg)."
You value your privacy above stopping rapists. I value stopping rapists above privacy. This is another example of how Satanists differ from those with Judeo-Christian values.
No wonder you want to reinvent
history--conservatives are all fascists, the founders were all Satanists like
least you entertain yourself.
"The future is assured. It's just the past that keeps changing." ~ Russian joke
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "What, exactly, does loving one's neighbor entail?"
Caring enough about others to catch criminals. Using all means available and working together toward this end. Christians care that others live and live life abundantly (Jn 10:10). That is why we propose things like keeping people alive and allowing people to live well by doing what is right. We get our values from God (Ge 1:31). Others get their values from a box of Cracker Jacks or worse--their heart (Jer 17:9).
"Looks like loving one's neighbors in my town consists of leaving those neighbors alone. I suspect you would be very unhappy living in such a place."
Would you prefer that Christians shut up?
That would be most unloving (Pr 31:9).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The dogs can follow the trail of the explosives right to the one carrying them - and sniff his crotch, rather than all of them..."
That's a relief.
"...[W]hy should all of us have to endure this indignity?"
No kidding. We were made in God's image. Our God is not a terrorist. I think Muslims can figure this out. They are able to overcome this non-existent god.
"...Why not just the ones who worship this terrorist god?"
Would you stop being ridiculous? This would make
too much sense.
And how dare you by the way--this would be profiling.
It is outrageous to think that blue-haired, little, old ladies are not equally
likely to be carrying underwear bombs.
We live in an upside down world (Isa 5:20). I
can't wait until it's right side up again (Re 21:1).
"I submit to you that rapists don't care if they get caught; that they will find ways to mask or eliminate their DNA traces on their victims (bleach works); that you are naive to think that this would in any way stop rape."
I've only seen a few episodes of C.S.I. but I would
guess that DNA is a hard thing to clean up completely. The victim also has
traces of DNA on him/her.
DNA is a gift from God. Too bad we aren't using it as we could.
Enyart recommended a quick and painful death for rapists (Deut. 13:6–10; Deut. 17:5). It would make an impression. When we depart from God's law, havoc ensues.
Nicer Than God by Bob Enyart
"As to dogs biting, I don't know why they don't work with bloodhounds or something. Why always the German Shepherds?"
Dog trainers say that every breed has been known to
bite. They must be trained right but still--this is no guarantee that they
will not bite. And they always go for the face.
A doctor told me this. When we smile they see white teeth. For them,
this is a sign of aggression.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I don't play the "working together" game, because it involves actually interacting with people on a genuine and personal level, reaching out and really getting to know them...I'd have to go out and visit people and actually talk to them, which is a most bothersome chore...I decline to interact with my small-town neighbors."
You and I probably have the same opinion of humanity. As a Christians, however, since we've been given a gift, we share it with others (Mt 5:14; Joh 5:35). I wouldn't wish hell on my worst enemy (2 Cor 5:11).
"I don't care if Christians shut up or not; if a Christian's words are ignored the effect is the same as if he hadn't spoken."
We spread the seed. Sometimes the soil is too hard (Mt 13:4,5,7).
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "Maybe you should check with your local Veterinarian, not all dog bites are to the face..."
I spoke with an authority.
[Mocking] "Which T.V. program?"
I spoke with a doctor in an emergency room next to the victim whose face looked like a jack-o-lantern after the dog attacked her.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Hell] "People who believe in magic spells and undetectable spirit entities have told me the very same thing..."
Problem is, they have no proof for their claims. You have internal evidence (Ro 2:15), external evidence (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures. Therefore, man is without excuse (Ro 1:20). We were made for God (Pr 16:4; Re 4:11). When we rebel against him, we cannot have peace (Isa 48:22).
"* Cosmological argument:
• Everything that had a beginning has a cause.
• The universe had a beginning.
• Therefore, the universe had a cause.
Design argument:
• Every design has a designer.
• The universe—and life—has a highly complex design.
• Therefore, there is a Great Designer.
Moral argument
• Moral laws require a lawgiver
• Absolute moral laws exist.
• Therefore, there is an absolute Moral Lawgiver..." Full text:
Evidence of God
"...[M]illions of people the world over report having encountered such [spiritual] things every day."
Each person makes his own decision. We are to test all things and hold to what is true (1 Thess 5:21).
"They can't all be lying, crazy or mistaken, right?"
Sure they can (Ex 23:2). Most people are going to hell (Mt 7:14). Don't be one of them.
Response to comment [from a pagan]: [Each person makes his own decision. We are to test all things and hold to what is true (1 Thess 5:21).] "You changed a word in that scriptural quote..."We are to test all things and hold to what is good." Why?
I did not put quotes around this verse. The topic was truth. This person knows right from wrong but he questions the veracity of the Bible. Since he knows right from wrong, I challenged him to consider--where does that sense come from? I submit that it comes from God (Ro 2:15). What is "good" and what is "bad" does not seem to be his problem. What is truth and what is error does seem to be his problem.
When we know what is true, then we have a basis for what is right and wrong. It is something objective (based on God's word) not subjective (based on man's wicked heart [Jer 17:9]).
This person has a functioning conscience. He is
not beyond God's reach.
By that way--"test all things" (1 Thess 5:21)--means test everything I say with scripture, too.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: [Most people are going to hell (Mt 7:14). Don't be one of them.] "Why not? If I were to go to heaven, is there a guarantee that I would go for eternity without ever encountering you?"
As Jar Jar Binks would say, "How rude."
"See the problem? Every human being, every single one, that will be in heaven is somebody whose company I would find insufferable. That includes you."
I wasn't always this way.
I was once a run-of-the-mill, pagan heathen. But you're right.
Those who will go to heaven will worship Jesus.
If you have no interest in worshipping him here, you would have no
interest in worshipping him there. Heaven would be hell for
you--that's what we're going to do--praise him. Praising him
is right. If you don't find that right, then something is
wrong. He is worthy of all praise (2Sa
We love him because he first loved us (1 Jn 4:19). While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Ro 5:8). I don't know many heroes on earth. But I know one who came and died for me. We don't need a God of wrath. We need a God with a big heart who is merciful.
"Thus, I have ruled out the possibility of ever entering into fellowship with you without ever having met you."
I get it. I thought Christians were
annoying too. We try not to be odd but I guess we are (Heb
I am not concerned with you loving me. I am concerned with you
loving your creator (Lk 10:27). Then, naturally, you'll
love me (1 Jn 3:14).
"What does this tell you about me?"
That we aren't too different (Ps 73:5).
There are people who need a savoir and there are people who have a
savior. You are the former. I am the latter.
how exactly do "the heavens declare the glory of God"?
[Ps 19:1]"
Look up at the stars at night. Do you ever do this? Or, in the morning. I start each day telling God that I love him (Lam 3:23). Why don't you try this even if you don't mean it. Maybe he will help you to mean it.
"Is there some particular pattern of stars I need to look for?"
No. I can't make much sense of them.
Just look up. We need an explanation for those stars
(Ps 8:3; Isa 40:26).
"Is it just the fact that the heavens are there?"
They are there so we have questions: Who am I? (Ge 1:27; Isa 45:12). Why am I here? (Pr 16:4; Re 4:11). What is the purpose of life? (Ge 2:5,7). Everyone asks these questions (Col 3:10). Only the Bible can answer them sufficiently.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I guess I'm supposed to feel awe at the grandeur of the universe or something? Never felt it, not once."
No. You are supposed to recognize the greatness of God's power (Ps 8:3; Isa 40:26).
Spirituality is not emotionalism (e.g. Mormonism). What we believe is grounded in truth (Ps. 119:142, 151, 160).
"'Fake it 'til you make it.' I've heard that fall out of the mouths of athletic directors all my life."
Sounds like a bad coach. I like "All say no
No, Christianity is belief not make-belief (Heb 11:1, 1 Jn 5:13).
"It's like saying "I love you" to someone even if such an emotion is absent..."
We are supposed to love God. I would recommend you look to him before it's too late (Jn 7:34, Mt. 7:7).
"...the idea being that if you repeat the sentiment long enough the genuine emotion will eventually manifest."
No. No program works but to seek God's kingdom and his righteousness (Mt 6:33).
"That technique works only on the weak-willed and soft-hearted."
I agree. Emotionalism is not faith. Responding to an alter call or signing your name on a card is not faith.
"You mean you need an explanation for those stars."
I'd like an explanation. Of course we will not know everything there is to know but we can know where the stars came from (Ge 1:17). God answers a lot of questions in his word.
"I don't need any explanation for them. To me, they're twinkly lights in the sky and nothing more."
Maybe I'm more inquisitive than you.
"I'm about to seriously shake up your worldview: I have never in my entire life ever asked those questions. Never been remotely interested."
Are you indifferent?
J. Vernon McGee used to say whether it is: an iron
curtain, a bamboo curtain or the curtain of
indifference, the world needs the word of God (Heb
"The day of one's death is better than the day of one's birth [Eccl. 7:1, NASB]."
"It is gratifying to a man to have people say he is a
wonderful neighbor and that they have never had an
argument with him, that he won’t discuss religion or
politics, or won’t get involved in any kind of bad
situation. He just smiles and goes right down the middle
of the road, never veering to the right or to the left.
He is a respectable person, recognized in the community.
He joins different organizations of the town and does
business with all kinds of people. Some day at his
funeral the preacher will say all kinds of good things
about him to try to push him into heaven..."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic
ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 3:124-125
"Nothing is more conducive to peace of mind than not
having any opinion at all." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
"I've only known two things to be found in the middle of
the road--yella' lines and roadkill." Dr. Larry Bates
Indifference: not concerned for or against something, a
characteristic of: unbelievers (Lk 17:26). [Nelson's
Topical Bible Index, pg. 311].
"People hate God--or ignore God which is pretty much the
same thing (Bob Enyart, Radio program 16 Apr 08)."
"1900 years ago, they slayed Him today they put His
blood under foot (McGee)."
"The notion 'Oh well, if I'm going to Hell...I'm going
to Hell' is moral laziness (David Jeremiah)."
"I have, however, made fun of philosophers for wasting their time asking and pondering them."
I'll join you in that sentiment. I studied philosophy in college. I found out after graduation that God had something of value to teach me.
"Can you tell yet that I'm extremely shallow and superficial?"
I doubt that.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "Remember our discussions about the treatment of one's neighbors? You're probably curious about new people who move into your area, and I wouldn't put it past you to go introduce yourself and bid them welcome."
I'm sure I don't have to tell you--not all Christians are charming or gregarious. We come in all shapes, sizes and personalities like anyone else. God uses all types (a weeping prophet like Jeremiah or a matter-of-fact type guy like Ezekiel).
"I've never bothered doing that."
I like Dennis Prager's quote: "People are great. Humanity stinks."
[Are you indifferent?] "We have a winner!"
It's no wonder God has to shake this earth once in a while (Ps. 114:7)--then people complain. You can't win.
"People hate God--or ignore God which is pretty much the same thing (Bob Enyart, Radio program 16 Apr 08).] "Enyart is incorrect. It requires effort to hate, just as it requires effort to love."
Rebellion, denial, indifference--it's all the same, really. These are walls we build to limit God.
Is There Anything too Hard for the Lord? By Adrian Rogers
[Images Jesus]
People should not make images of Jesus whatsoever (Ex 20:4, Jn 4:24).
[Artist's picture Re 3:20]
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me (Re 3:20)."
People noted that the artist did not paint a door handle on the outside of the door. The artist said that he did that intentionally because people must open the door themselves. God works to woo people their entire lives. Eventually, time is up (Ro 1:28). We will all see one day that God did all he could but men shackle his hands just like they did when he walked the earth.
[Irresistible grace]
I do not subscribe to the "irresistible grace" concept. The human heart is wicked (Jer 17:9). There is a need for the place we call hell (Matt. 25:41).
"...indifference is worse than hate..."
I don't know. All sin is bad. I see indifference as apathy and apathy as hatred. J. Vernon McGee used to say the greatest sin in the world is to sin against love.
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I would conclude that God has already given me over to a reprobate mind and is simply using me as a negative example."
Could be. Nevertheless, we give the gospel out "Dead noses smell no roses."
"One would think that an entity with the power to will a universe into existence would be a more effective woo-er."
You underestimate (what John MacArthur calls) the exceeding sinfulness of sin and the depravity of the human heart (Jer 17:9). Or as the Emperor says, "...The power of the dark side."
"Love is an easy target. It invites abuse..."
For now (1 Cor. 7:31).
"It would be rude to not provide it."
You wouldn't be the first (Judg. 16:21). You won't be the last.
"And the most painful abuse one can heap on love is to ignore it."
is bad. Man
cannot profit God (Job 22:2; Ps
16:2). And God is not mocked (Ga 6:7). We
can choose our actions but we cannot choose the
consequences of those actions (and of course no
choice is a choice). Lk 19:27.
Rejection is painful. One day we'll understand but there will be tears no doubt on that day (Re 21:4).
[the Power of the dark side (Jer 17:9)] "I don't buy that for a moment! A being with the power to will a universe into existence being thwarted by mere human depravity? Preposterous!...The only reason such a being does not use its power to overcome such depravity is that [he] chooses to not do so."
God gives man a will. He has given all he can in his Son. He has provided a way back to himself (Jn 14:6) from our sin state (Isa 59:2). Rejecting his way and his Son is worthy of eternal punishment. If God is not just, he is not good.
He could insist that we love
him but that would be unhealthy. It would be sick
to demand love.
He is calling out a people for his namesake (Ro 1:5).
Some answer that call.
God will not end up with the short end of the stick. Although there are many who reject him now (Mt 7:14), we have not yet entered into the Millennial kingdom. More men and women will be saved during that time.
"And what are the consequences of choosing to disengage oneself from one's fellow human beings?"
[Rejection is painful.] "I take it you speak from experience? I haven't found rejection to be particularly painful. Sure, it hurt the first time it happened, but that was a lifetime ago. Subsequent rejections hurt less and less, until they simply roll off."
I think any born again man or woman (Jn 3:7) has experienced rejection (Jn 13:16). That just goes with the territory.
One woman had a daughter who had an abortion and another daughter who became born again by the spirit of God. She said the former did not grieve her but the latter did (Jn 16:33).
Jesus was an innocent man who was murdered (Isa 53:3, Lk 23:47). The Jews rejected him (Jn 1:11) and the Gentiles were grafted in (Ro 11:19). God makes good things happen out of terrible situations (Isa 61:3, Ro 8:28).
"Welcome to the fallout. Welcome to resistance. The tension is here." ~ I Dare You to Move - Switchfoot.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "[W]e are already
half way there with our SSI cards you either have to have it in your
hand or in your memory! [Rev 13:16-18, Mark 8:18]...
[N]ational id card? [V]ery bad idea! [B]ut like healthcare and
immigrations your not going to be able to stop it!"
Right (Eze 12:2).
Meanwhile, we should catch criminals by having a national DNA database (Lk 19:13).
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "[H]ow about you tell us how this DNA data base will...[b]e accomplished..."
"For more than a decade, host Bob Enyart has been calling for a comprehensive National DNA database...U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo urged a policy of DNA swabs for everyone entering the United States..." Full text: Sex Act Charge for 40/29's Mike Courington
Also see:
President of What World? By Tom Tancredo
Response to comment [from a pagan]: "I asked for your opinion/knowledge not Bob's."
...Which is what I have given throughout this
We need a national DNA database to catch murderers and rapists.
Do Enyart and Tancredo annoy you because they may be effective on
this issue?
"...[N]o known punishment has stopped people from committing crimes, including the death sentence..."
The death penalty works.
We have more--not less crime when we depart from biblical justice
([murder] Gen. 9:5, 6; Num. 35:16–21, 30–33; Deut. 17:6
[rape] Deut. 22:25).
"Why would I want to email that congressman?"
He had proposed this. You may email him for additional information.
"Please answer the questions so that we will all understand how you have come to this stand..."
Your argument is ineffective. Are you
really more concerned with protecting your "right" to sexual crimes?
Lev 21:9.
"Payday someday (Rogers)." Gal 6:7.
"Unless of course you are willing to let any one in a position of authority make all your decisions for you..."
I am (Num. 35:31).
God makes far better decisions than us. If we want his best,
we'll follow his plan (Jer 29:11).
"...[W]ithout knowing how it will affect/endanger your other liberties."
Obey God (Ac 5:29). He is the source of liberty (Jn 8:36).
"...[I]f so, you have reduced yourself to the rank of sheeple."
Hearing God's voice is a good thing (Jn
You think man does a better job when he departs from God and his
word (Jn 3:19).
Love the V.D.
and increased crime rate.
Response to comment [from a Satanist]: "SD confuses being a slave with being safe."
I thought I was on your "ignore" list,
Is this your one-way conversation?
Only the Christian knows liberty (Jn 8:36).
One of the few jobs of government is to protect its citizenry. It is
not their job of course to: steal, comfort, and coddle the
individual. It is the role of the family and the church to care for
the individual.
You've got it backward again as liberals tend to do.
The right fights for liberty. The left fights for equality and
Should the government control: your job, your car, your home, your
food, your energy, your banking, your healthcare, your beginning and
end-of-life decisions? No.
Should the government catch people who commit crimes against you?
Who wants to be a slave the government?
"Anyone willing to hand Uncle Sam a piece of their body is handing over their liberty as well whether they realize it or not."
Yet, as typical of the left, you do not think
through your position. We would catch violent criminals if we
had a national DNA database. We could also (and should also)
restrict government in other areas of our lives. We can walk
and chew gum at the same time.
"And yes, SD, when someone..."
Do you mean yourself?
"...quotes one of your frequent inane posts, it's visible to all."
You said you have me on your "ignore" list.
Pray tell, why aren't you ignoring me then?
"...Hope this clears things up..."
...That you prefer to have a round-about
A few housekeeping items:
I'll do my best to respond when I see "SD"
somewhere in a post.
There are others to ignore at TOL. Why don't you go ignore
Put that evidence away
dare you.
Kansas man arrested in 1980
fatal stabbing of Denver waitress.
Today is National Combat-Stage One-Thinking
Day (Sowell).
“Papers, Please”: Government Creates Internal Passports – Effective No Later Than October 2020
ID Card Fingerprints and/or DNA?