Signature in the cell
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I've never ruled out that idea, but I thus far have no compelling reason to accept the proposition that whatever Divine Artificer that might exist is the same entity as the one described in the various varieties of Holy Writ™.
Give him a Scooby Snack®
(Jas 2:19,
Rev. 22:15).
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Atheist ranting] "Goodness! Who knew that such a small video would create such a rant."
This is much better:
"Ben Stein: How did it [life] start?
Richard Dawkins: Nobody knows how it got started. We know the kind of event it
must have been. We know the sort of event that must have happened for the origin
of life.
Ben Stein: And what was that?
Richard Dawkins: It was the origin of the first self replicating molecule.
Ben Stein: Right, and how did that happen?
Richard Dawkins: I've told you, we don't know.
Ben Stein: So you have no idea how it started.
Richard Dawkins: No, no. Nor has anyone..."Expelled April 18 2008
Response to comment [from other] : "Are you claiming to know how RNA / DNA became the self-replicating molecule common to all life on the planet?"
God created RNA
and DNA (Ge
Ps. 104:24).
The Christian worldview offers the best explanation for questions such as: What
is real?, Is there a God?, Where did we come from?, How should we live? and
Where are we going?
McFarland, Alex: Worldview Comparison
"Where does it say RNA or DNA in Genesis 1 or Psalm 104?"
"The Bible is
not a science book but it is scientifically accurate." ~ Adrian Rogers
How to Know the Bible is the Word of God by Adrian
"...[Y]ou had nothing more to say than Dawkins or Stein on the question How did life start? And in fact, Dawkins knows what kind of event "must have happened" while you don't seem to know even that."
God did it (Ge
1:1). If he did not, will Dawkins kindly tell
us where he got his matter?
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "That's just an assertion from bronze age goat herders..."
Ad hominem. What do you have against bronze age goat herders? It is likely that
they were smarter than you.
How Long Did it Take Adam to Name the Animals? by Ken
Does Entropy Contradict Evolution? by Henry Morris,
"...[W]hy should anybody accept it, after all God needed dust to create Adam..."
Did God say he
needed dust to create Adam?
"...[A]nd he needed Adam's rib to create Eve..."
Did God say he
needed a previously created rib to create Eve?
"So to give your God the ability to create the universe out of nothing is not even consistent with your own book."
False premise.
"I would be impressed if the bible said “Wash you hands before eating because
disease can be caused by things too small for you to see”."
No, you wouldn't (Lk
[Not impressed (Lk 16:31)] "It looks like you won't be testing that question, though doesn't it."
That's up to you (Jn 3:19). God will not drag you to heaven (Re 22:11).
[God did it (Ge 1:1)] "Sorry, what did you[r] [G]od do? Exactly?"
God created (Ge 1:1).
Genesis 1:1 by Henry Morris
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "[S]o we should trust the Southern Baptist convention president to know what is "scientifically accurate"?"
Ad hominem.
You should trust God's word (Jn
"You believe God (revelation) or you believe man (speculation)." J. Vernon McGee
...feather problem
Response to comment [from other]: "Your statement "god created"..."
God's statement (Ge 1:1). God said he created. Believe him (Jn 3:12).
"...[A]ppears to be contradicted by it: The work of making and forming consists of organizing already existing materials into more complex systems, whereas the act of creation is that of speaking into existence something whose materials had no previous existence."
Only God can make something ex nihilo (out of nothing).
Learn about making wine and suspending the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Life of Jesus Volume 1: Jesus Tests and Builds Faith Pt 2b
(right click, open) by Darrell Ferguson
"Science has a real, evidence-based explanation for why there is matter in the universe."
[Edited Sermon Notes] Did God make man or did man make God? Is man the special creation of almightily God or is God a figment of man’s imagination? 1 Ti 6:20
Evolution: Nothing + time + chance = everything. It's a fairy tale for adults.
Why I reject the theory of evolution:
1. For logical reasons
a. Well-trained scientists do not believe
b. Not founded on observation
c. Wholly unsupported by facts
2. Evolutionists do not have answers for:
a. The origin of life
b. Fixity of the species
c. The fossil record
d. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
e. Certain properties that exist which have nothing to do with "survival of the fittest"
2. Moral reasons
a. People are an accident
b. The depraved have believed
3. Theological reasons
a. No first parents
b. No paradise
c. No fall
c. Atonement collapses
"If Genesis 3 is a myth then John 3 is a farce. You must be born again." ~ Adrian Rogers
Edited sermon notes Evolution: Fact or Fiction by Adrian Rogers Full text: Evolution: Fact or Fiction
"Don't worry about actually reading what I write. Just ignore it and carry on as if in monologue."
Ge 1:1 isn't going
Start there.
"If Genesis 3 is a myth then John 3 is a farce. You must be born again." ~
Adrian Rogers
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "SD, when you find that two professionals are making opposing claims in a technical field, how do you decide which one is most likely to be correct?"
I keep reading.
"Specifically, Henry Morris, in the article you link to, makes some claims about the Second Law of Thermodynamics. There are other scientists who have directly addressed the ideas that Dr. Morris brings up, and say he is wrong. How to decide?"
Morris has gone
home to be with the Lord. His son, John, continues his work. I've have a nice
picture with him by the way.
In general, things break down. You can buy a nice car but it you don't care for
it, it will look terrible eventually. Adrian Rogers said: "If you disagree with
the Second Law of Thermodynamics take a look at your son's room."
What specifically do you disagree with in the article? Creation science is
Ps 104:24
"...[T]here physical things that become more organized over time?"
You cannot get
people from pond scum.
"Adrian Rogers is a babbling fool..."
Ad hominem. He was a fine servant of the Lord.
[Baby] "I gave a trivial example where something does increase its organization."
Are you trying to take credit for what God formed? Jer 1:5
"I said nothing about his religion. I did say that he [Rogers] was way off base in the claims he made about the Second Law of Thermodynamics."
He said rooms get messy.
"...[Y]ou are unwilling or incapable of answering my questions directly..."
Your best
example was formed by God (Jer
1:5) and dies (Ge
Eze 18:4).
You cannot get molecules to man evolution.
"Not even one mutation has been observed that adds a little information to the
genome [Ibid., 159–160]..." full text:
Is There Really a God?
By one man, Adam, sin entered the world (Ge
Ro 5:12). Christ was
manifested to take away sin (Jn
1 Jn 3:5).