Speaking in tongues



Bright Raven View Post
[One encouraging another to speak in tongues] I don't know? All I can see is that he is harassing me. That is his problem. But it better stop.

Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy, and forbid not to speak with tongues.

Let all things be done decently and in order [1 Cor. 14:39–40].

Here again we are encouraged to covet the best gift. Evidently teaching the Word of God is the best one, and I thank God for that.
“Let all things be done decently and in order.” This is a great principle. When I attended a tongues meeting in the South, I must confess that I could see neither rhyme nor reason in the entire service. It was all in confusion—not even an organized confusion, but hopeless confusion. Paul says that this is not the way things of God should be carried on.
This brings us to the conclusion of this section. If you have disagreed with me, I trust you will not fall out with me, but that you will search this Scripture. If I am wrong, pray for me.

McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 Corinthians) (electronic ed., Vol. 44, p. 169). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

DAN P View Post
...I did not say that BR was not saved! And as a Pentecostal I also wonder how these people were saved and their speaking in Tongues scared me as a kid !

Men are saved the same way they've always been saved--by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-9).  He claims he is saved.  Tongues can be abused (1 Cor. 14:22–26).

If [someone] asked you how to be saved , what would you say?

Jesus saves (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23). Jesus alone saves (Isa 45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12).

I can believe that many can not say How they were saved ?

Maybe they're not.

Maybe this will help you:  #1, Were you baptized?


#2 , Did you have to repent?


#3, Do you have to speak in tongues?


#4 , The bible in 1 Cor says that the but the natural man receiveth the things of the spirit of God, for it is foolishness to him and can not know it because it is spiritually discerned.

God must turn your eyes and ears on.

So the question is how can a person not seeking God be saved?

No one seeks after God (Ro 3:11).

That is the question and if you say I am harassing stay out of my kitchen!

You're confusing me with BR. 

So how can anyone be saved when he is dead is trespasses and in sin?

God draws men to himself (John 16:7–11).

Remember that one plants the seed and then one waters, but God gives the increase so it it God that saved and not baptism, tongues or repentance. 

Repentance is necessary for salvation. If you haven't repented, you're not saved. The greasy gracer of course won't acknowledge that repentance is necessity (Acts 2:37, 38, 26:20, 1 Cor. 2:13, 2 Cor. 5:17, 7:9, 10, 1 Thess. 1:9, 10).



Reply to Andie Johnson

Speaking in Tongues Exposed

Demonic (Lk 9:42).

Yes, indeed. There is no justifying this abuse of God’s precious and purposeful gift.


ZacharyB View Post
...Is it any wonder that your Laodicean churches teach cessationism?

Foolish virgins without oil (Mt 25:1-13).  

musterion View Post
Post audio online of it...
Quote Originally Posted by andyc View Post
These kind of idiotic posts are to be expected here.
He wants me to send him audio of tongues, good grief...

He wants into your prayer closet (Mt 6:6). Maybe he works for the NSA.

musterion View Post
Not seeing a straight answer there.

*Pearl swine moment* Mt 7:6

musterion View Post
Stop lying against God's Word.

Jn 8:37

"You are not brought upon this world to get it." ~ David Lo Pan, Big Trouble in Little China

musterion View Post
[To another member, speaks in tongues] ...You claimed a miraculous gift. Prove you have it or shut up with your blaspheming.

You're projecting again (Eph 4:14, Lk 12:10).

Guess we're not moving on to words of wisdom and words of knowledge (1 Cor. 12:8–10).  

musterion View Post
This is about AndyC (and to a lesser degree Serpent, but that's a dead end if there ever was one).

You're projecting again (Eph 4:14). This is a dead end.

musterion View Post
Who was the last unbeliever you spoke to in tongues, and did they understand you?

What is your major malfunction, numbnuts? ~ Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket 

andyc View Post
[More mocking] See post 88.

Does not compute ~ Lost in Space

musterion View Post
[Tongues in church history]...You can claim none of that. No charismatic today can. We're in a new dispensation.

Illogical! Illogical! Mt 18:3 ~ Sarek, Star Trek  

Grosnick Marowbe View Post
I placed Danoh on "Ignore" a few days ago...

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means." Eph 4:14 ~ Inigo Montoya

musterion View Post
There have been independent studies done over the years by linguists and psychologists where recorded "tongues" analyzed to match any known human dialect...

andyc View Post
I have this gift.

View Post

1 Co 14:39

SaulToPaul View Post
[1 Co 14:39] Do you enter the synagogue in each town you go into? And preach to the Jew first?

Do you forbid the speaking of tongues? 1 Co 14:39

As a reminder SaulToPaul is number 57 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.

Danoh View Post
...The brother would run circles around your entire circus of authors...
Guess we'll see at the Great White Throne (Re 20:11).

I doubt it. But perhaps you will be there...

You believe he is a saved individual. I do not (2 Pe 2:1).

"I prefer clarity to agreement." ~ Dennis Prager



Let us know when that preference is actually your reality.

Was there a point in time when the Son was separated from the Father or the Holy Spirit?

Be more specific.

Can the Father be separated from the Son? Can the Son be separated from the Holy Spirit?

You are still being vague?

Is God's oneness divisible or indivisible?
Tambora View Post
[I'm wrong to add SaulToPaul to Satan Inc.] She sure is.

Was there a point in time when the Son was separated from the Father or the Holy Spirit?

SaulToPaul View Post Never been called a Trinity denier before.

You've been called a modalist (Eph 4:14).

  Ok, works salvationist.

Strawman (Eph 4:14, Eph 2:8).


Works vs. Faith
heir View Post
[Speaking in tongues] Prove it.

Do you forbid the speaking in tongues? 1 Co 14:39
andyc View Post
[Speaking in tongues] You guys that hate it...

Why the anger toward you?

"It's a gift and a curse." ~ Mr. Monk, Monk
SaulToPaul View Post
[Speaking in tongues, mockers mock]
  I'm sure you did...

Do you forbid the speaking in tongues? 1 Co 14:39

As a reminder SaulToPaul is number 57 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.

Thanks, works salvationist!

Strawman Eph 4:14

Do you forbid the speaking in tongues? 1 Co 14:39
andyc View Post
Your waiting to understand a tongue that no one understands except God?

Second that chuckle.

heir View Post
You don't speak in tongues. You fake it like the rest of the wannabes. I used to be a fake just like you.

You used to fake speaking in tongues? Pray tell, why?
musterion View Post
We hate every false way. Ask us why.

Why are you a false convert? Why does Heir fake speaking in tongues?


heir View Post
[Do you forbid the speaking in tongues?
1 Co 14:39] I was caught up in the same emotional upheaval in the religious, denominational system courtesy of the mystery of iniquity that andyc is a captive of today.

For not forbidding the speaking of tongues, you and your friends here sure seem to forbid the speaking of tongues (1 Co 14:39). If it's demonic, then why aren't you forbidding it?
SaulToPaul View Post
... "Feelings.........nothing more than....feeelings."

For not forbidding the speaking of tongues you sure seem to forbid the speaking of tongues (1 Co 14:39).

As a reminder SaulToPaul is number 57 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.

What is your ratio of prophesying to tongue speaking?
I'll answer your question when you answer mine (1, 2).

How often do you get "a word of knowledge" in comparison to tongue talking?

I'll answer your question when you answer mine (1, 2).
SaulToPaul View Post
.."Feelings.........nothing more than....feeelings."

SaulToPaul View Post
...[W]onder why andy's spirit doesn't just pray in English?

You feel nothing for God? You feel nothing from God? 2 Co 13:5
andyc View Post
Ok, for a third time, lets educate you ignoramuses...

Don't bother. If they make it in the rapture (and that's a big if), they're going to be ashamed. 1 Cor. 4:12
andyc View Post
[To another member] You can't see that character grows through victories won in faith, because your doctrine removes the promises that requires faith to stand in the face of impossible circumstances in the natural...

They don't overcome (Job 1:6–22). They don't have the spirit (foolish virgins) and then they lecture you. TOL won't miss many members after the rapture.



Job?  That's a new one.

Tests of faith (Gen. 12:1, 2, 2 Cor. 11:21–33). You won't find the hypergracer discussing: God's holiness, man's need for repentance, sanctification, etc. They're all say no play (Jud 4, 10, 12).


Danoh View Post
100% Cessationist...

Joe 2:28

God sends the last outpouring of Holy Spirit (Jas 5:7).


Birth Pangs
lifeisgood View Post
[Pentecost, Rapture] What does this have to do with the OP?

Nick M View Post
...They should hear you in their own tongue.

That's diverse tongues.

I attended a bible study this morning and 3 individuals spoke in tongues. I've been with these people for quite a while--none of them admitted to having this gift in all this time. They told their stories like they had to apologize--like they were Sodomites coming out of the closet! One said, "You may kick me out of the study."
musterion View Post
Who interpreted?

A woman who knows Hebrew. She said was angry asked if her husband knew that she was in love with a Jew. 

By the way groanings too deep for words (Ro 8:26-28) :sigh: are not tongues (Acts 2:3, 4). :p


Groanings Too Deep for Words (Romans 8:26-28) Grace to You

Grosnick Marowbe View Post
I sincerely believe that God isn't appearing to or audibly speaking to people in this Dispensation of Grace...

I don't know what kind of ears you have (Jn 12:29, Mk 4:9).

Those books were pertaining to the House of Israel.

"Not all of the bible is written to you but all of the bible is written for you." 2 Ti 2:15 ~ J. Vernon McGee
Interplanner View Post
...There was the pre-Christian era and now there is Christ.

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. This guy's a regular Thomas Jefferson--cutting out any challenging verse of scripture. No eyes to see, no ears to hear.

*Shake off the dust from your feet moment*


TweetyBird View Post
We must test all things.

TweetyBird View Post
[Pouring out of the spirit now, tongues, dreams visions, etc.] ...[T]hey are not spiritual blessings...

Why is your greatest rebuke for the andyc and not for the clown who ran around pretending that she had the gift of tongues (1 Cor. 14:22–26).

If you need to sit someone down to tell then what a retard they are then why not start there?

The tares resist the blowing of the wind (Mt 13:30).
You can have as much of the Lord as you want (Jn 3:34).

When the Holy Spirit (Jn 7:38 KJV) is poured out on all flesh (Joe 2:28)--the water's breaking in the earth.


Birth Pangs
DAN P View Post
...[W]ill you tell us what
John 7:38 means?

Jesus offers living waters.

View Post
What was the last prophecy you gave that came to pass?

I'll answer your question when you answer mine (1, 2).

"Y’all go up to the mountain, me and my golden calf are going to worship right here." (Stone).
Grosnick Marowbe View Post
I'm beginning to think "Danoh" is a disrupter and a "double-Agent" of sorts.

Do you see black helicopters, too?

Jews call it the language of God (Glick).  
andyc View Post
Yes I claim to be supernatural, cause God is supernatural, and he lives in me.  You are natural....which means......well......carnal.  Carnal means "meat". And yes, you are a meat head.

"You are a Meathead." ~ Archie Bunker, All in the Family

And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free.

And he shall bring his trespass offering unto the LORD, unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, even a ram for a trespass offering.

And the priest shall make an atonement for him with the ram of the trespass offering before the LORD for his sin which he hath done: and the sin which he hath done shall be forgiven him [Lev. 19:20–22].

"This goes back to the seventh commandment. This protects the bond–woman. This raises the natural question, “Is God lending approval to slavery?” No. God is recognizing the sinful situation caused by the hard hearts of men, just as He did in the case of divorce (Matt. 19:8). It was recognized as a sin on the part of the man, for he had to bring a trespass offering. The woman did not bring an offering." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Law (Leviticus 15-27) (electronic ed., Vol. 7, p. 69). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
andyc View Post
[Continued persecution from others]

The Lord speaks to: the poor in spirit, those who mourn, those who are meek, those who hunger and thirst, those who are merciful, those who are pure in heart, those who are peacemakers, those who are persecuted (Mt 5:3-10).
john w View Post
[Insinuates southern Charismatics are not saved] ...Toucheth Nawt the Laaaaaawd's anointed...
andyc View Post
You anointed?

No (Jn 8:37, Re 12:10). These are the same folks that reject Lordship. Their horns eventually show (Mt 7:20).
As a reminder john w is number 58 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category.
Grosnick Marowbe View Post
Andycnotruth, looks as if you haven't made many friends around TOL. I wonder why? Nah, I'm just kidding, I know why.

A man is known by the friends he has and by the friends he doesn't have.

Darkness is offended by the light. Jn 3:19
john w View Post
Logical fallacy.

Which one? Eph 4:14

Jud 1:20

The priest would anoint the goat’s head with oil and the smell of the burning oil down the way would make—not the sheep—but the goats sneeze.

David’s brothers were annoyed about his anointing, too.

The God-haters laughed at: the D.L. Moody revival, the Welsh revival, the Armenian outpouring, the Parham revival, the Azuza street revival, the Jesus movement and the Charismatic renewal.
He who laughs last, laughs best.
Grosnick Marowbe View Post
[To another member] No wonder you have only 102 thanks.

Bandwagon Eph 4:14

Grosnick Marowbe View Post
...He and SD are extremely immature...

How would you know? You have me on ignore, remember? Eph 4:14

Grosnick Marowbe View Post
[Gladis now claims to have added andyc to ignore] ...Both Andy and SD have that same "Comeback syndrome" ...

How would you know? You have us on ignore, remember? Eph 4:14

We were discussing the gift of tongues not the gift of gossip (Lev 19:16).

Who let the hogs out? Oink Oink Oink Oink Jud 18

There has to be an early rain and a latter rain. You have to have it to get the ground ready for the seed. If you don’t, the harvest doesn’t grow.

Be glad then, you children of Zion,
And rejoice in the Lord your God;
For He has given you the former rain faithfully,
And He will cause the rain to come down for you—
The former rain,
And the latter rain in the first month (Joe 2:23).
DAN P View Post
So what is your point?  Should we plant wheat and grapes!

Would you like to plant wheat and grapes?

The husbandman waits for the early rain and the later rain.

They've got Abraham/Hagar flesh thinking not Abraham/Sarah new covenant thinking. Too bad they don't understand the things of the spirit (1 Co 1:18). They mock things of the spirit just as God said they would (Jud 18).

"Too bad." ~ Seth Brundle, The Fly

The covenant of the spirit offers more.

Teen goalie wakes up from coma speaking different language
TweetyBird View Post
Maybe you got it wrong after all ...

"...Believers are neither to forbid speaking in tongues (1 Co 14:39)6 nor discount the Spirit’s movement in the last days [e.g. dreams and visions] (1 Thess 5:20-22) as spoken about by the prophet Joel (Joe 2:28). The bible says that signs will accompany those who believe (Mk 16:17)." Full text: Steve Cioccolanti AOG Bible Study

Reply to Tammy Kohler

I'm really tired of the bickering. I understand that it's human nature and we all want to defend our beliefs and our faith, but shouldn't we all be on the same side?

1 Co 11:19

…Just because someone doesn't believe the same as you, doesn't mean they aren't born again.

It doesn't mean they are (Mt 7:20).

…We need to distinguish between someone defending their beliefs and an actual personal attack.

The Leftists can’t argue without an ad hominem attack (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10); so, good luck with that.

Now with regards to speaking in tongues. With every singe group I have ever belonged to, when the subject of speaking in tongues gets brought up and someone dares to question it, the claws come out.

The false brethren repeat the same words (Gal. 2:3-4).  :blabla: Can’t you discern? 1 Cor. 12:10

Not from the ones who don't speak in tongues, but the ones who do.

Who claim they do (Eph 4:14). 

I have seen numerous people at numerous times, completely switch their personalities into something they typically aren't. This has left a bitter taste in my mouth and if speaking in tongues brings this out in people, I want nothing to do with it and I will run every time.

Be sure :mock:to mock them before you leave.

People can debate hell fire, whether our souls live on after we die, prophecy, or who the Antichrist is, all day long.  But tongues? That's what really dividing the church.

My pastor hosts a local Christian call-in show on radio.  He says tongues is the number one question that he is asked about.  :p Clearly, antichrists abuse tongues (1 Cor. 14:22–26). 

I've seen it! I've lived it.

Expose them (Eph 5:11).:sherlock:

If there's one thing I've learned it's that there are two groups of people. Those who speak in tongues, and those who don't.

And those who pretend to speak in tongues; but, in actuality speak for the devil.  Their doctrine clues you into that, as well. 

This is not from God…

Tongues could be from God —especially in the last days (Acts 2:3, 4).  We aren’t to forbid it (1 Co 14:39); but, we sure as hell are not to leave the frauds unchecked. 

...God is not about division.  Satan is.

Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division (Lk 12:51). 

It’s ok for you to challenge the charlatan.  They are not supposed to speak in tongues unless there is an interpreter.  If there is no interpreter, do not allow demons to speak.

Reply to Midnight Hour Oil

[Tongues] Gary Bear is a fraud (Eph 5:11).  :blabla: His so-called tongues mimic the other demonic false teachers (2 Pe 2:1).  Of course his doctrine is in error, as well (Ga 5:9).  

Cc:  Bear049  

Reply to Bear049:

"Serpent Dove your name says it all."

:yawn: Eph 4:14

Why are you claiming to speak in tongues :freak: when there is not an interpreter? :smokie:1 Co 14:27c–28 

 …[T]he problem with YouTube is those supposed Christians like you…

:yawn: Proof please (Eph 4:14). :peach:

…[W]ho have not read God's word…

:yawn: Proof please (Eph 4:14). :peach:

If you had seen some of my videos…

I have (Eph 4:14).

…you would know that she is wrong about tongues and other things.

Melissa is correct about the gift of tongues and you’re a fraud (1 Cor. 14:22–26). 

Do you not know Christ's own words. You and Midnight Oil speak against the Holy Spirit…

Not speaking against the Holy Spirit (Eph 4:14).  :idunno: Speaking against you (Eph 5:11, 2 Pe 2:1). :juggle:

Why are you claiming to speak in tongues when there is not an interpreter? 1 Co 14:27c–28 

Reply to Stone Sovryn

You didn't add any commentary to the post, just dropped the link. So what did you think of it? 

A few housekeeping items: Download housekeeping 4

My comments are located here.


Chuck Missler spiritual gifts are for today even tongues.  What?  

Speaking in Tongues Lionel Nation 1 Cor. 14:22–26

Reply to Winfrey

Where is your interpreter?

An interpreter cannot interpret nonsense.  He interprets known languages. :dizzy: I hope you don’t expect interpreters to help you out with demonic babblings.

Your friend Gary Bear does this also :p on his channel.


202 Q&A on Praying Like a Pagan Darrell Ferguson 


Speaking in tongues