Why Homosexuality Must Be Recriminalized!


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!] "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke


That's right.  Laws come from God.  Homosexuality is a crime punishable by death (Lev. 18:22; 20:13).  God's law shall not be remitted (Num. 35:31).


[Jerry Sandusky] 


From the janitor to the higher ups in the athletic department of Penn State--no one protected young boys from the homosexual pedophile Jerry Sandusky.  He was caught raping boys more than once (Isa 5:20).


Cowards go to hell first (Re 21:8).


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "And sorcerers go sixth.


Sorcerers do go sixth.


"It would be nice to actually see a real-live sorcerer..."


You are a curious person (2 Ti 3:7) and I know how you love the word pharmakeia.

"...Interestingly, the New Testament Greek word translated “sorcery” is pharmakeia, which is the source of our English word pharmacy. In Paul’s day, the word primarily meant “dealing in poison” or “drug use” and was applied to divination and spell-casting because sorcerers often used drugs along with their incantations and amulets to conjure occult power..." Full text:
What does the Bible say about sorcery?

Sorcery is the practice of magic. Sorcerer — from the Latin sortiarius, one who casts lots, or one who tells the lot of others (Easton's Bible Dictionary).

Divination is attempt to foretell the unknown by occult means.

Also see:

10 Q&A on Magic, Spells & Divination pamphlet


"There's one small problem: magic, spells and divination have never been demonstrated to actually work.  You can scream "pharmakeia" until you're blue in the face, but that won't make chemists and pharmacists into sorcerers, even if they make mustard gas or potassium cyanide."


People are forbidden from attempting to communicate with the dead. When God says don't do it, he means don't hurt yourself. If you are a superstitious person, you may attempt to communicate with a lost loved one. You may have an encounter with a supernatural being but it won't be Aunt Marge.


What does the Bible say about ghosts / hauntings?

Is there activity of demonic spirits in the world today?

Demons and Magic Grace to You


"One small problem: "supernatural" beings, like magic and psychic powers, have yet to be demonstrated to actually exist."


You reject any supernatural cause for unexplained events?


"Attempts to test for supernatural causes have yet to be successful; what alternative is there?  Hauntings, for example, can be attributed to any number of natural causes couple to an overactive imagination and the power of suggestion."

Sure. You reject any possibility of the supernatural, yes?


"I didn't say the supernatural was impossible..."


Some atheists say that any explanation for a cause which is supernatural must be rejected.  Then, they call us the close-minded ones.


Response to comment [from an atheist]: "No one is saying that supernatural explanations are impossible. It is just that some choose not to support a claim which has no evidence."


I can't prove that God exists but I believe he does.  You can't prove that God doesn't exist and you supposedly he doesn't.  We both have faith.  The Christian worldview has the best explanation for life's questions (e.g. Where did I come from?  Ge 1:1.  Why is the world the way it is? Ge 3:17.  Where am I going? Josh 24:15).


"I will begin to consider supernatural solutions when they have been tested and proven to be viable."


Good luck with that (Heb 11:1). I can tell you about the hope within me (1 Pe 3:15) but I can't give you a measurement for the hope.


"...[I]t is illogical to use the supernatural to "fill in the blanks" of what you do not understand."


Our assumptions are more rational than yours.


The Basic Assumptions of Creationism by Dr. Werner Gitt


"You're right I can't prove that God doesn't exist, but you are the one who is making wild claims here..."


What wild claim?


"...[A]nd I don't think that it is unreasonable to ask the one making the claims to provide evidence..."


We all have the same evidence. How we interpret that evidence makes a difference. Ge 1:1, 2 Pe 3:4


"...The burden of proof lies with the one making the claim..."


Who cares what claim I have made. What claim has God made? Ge 1:1


"...Christianity has not [provided] the best explanations no more than native American myths have provided the best explanations..."


Pagans are free to submit their traditions and we are free to challenge them.


Christianity, Cults & Religions pamphlet

Christianity, Cults & the Occult pamphlet

[Just For Pilgrims and Others: One Eye On God And One On His Exit] “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.” Titus 1:15

"Adrian Rogers told the following story about a Native American putting things in perspective like this: “In my heart there is an arrowhead with three points to it. If I do wrong, the arrowhead turns, and cuts me. If I do wrong too much, I wear out the points and it doesn’t hurt me quite so much. But when the pain is gone, watch out!”..." Full text:
Just For Pilgrims and Others: One Eye On God And One On His Exit

Even pagans get it. You have internal evidence (
Ro 2:15) external evidence (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures. You are without excuse (Ro 1:20).


"...I could be persuaded if sufficient evidence was provided to the contrary..."


Are you sure? Jn 14:28. You'd have a lot to lose (2 Cor 4:11-14). You couldn't be your own god anymore (1 Co 15:31).

"...[C]an the same be said about you?"


Do you mean can I move from Christianity to atheism? No (Jn 10:28).  


"...In my opinion even if God does exist he is superfluous, for the explanations science has for our existence needs no God."


"Men study science as god not the God of science." ~ Adrian Rogers Mad Scientist

"The fact that god exists is a claim."


The belief that God does not exist is a truth claim.


"I'm asking you to provide evidence..."


You provide evidence he does not exist.


"...and I have no knowledge of any evidence..."


You have internal evidence (Ro 2:15) external evidence (Ps 19:1) and the scriptures. You are without excuse (Ro 1:20).


"...If God exists and made a claim..."


Ge 1:1


"...I'd still need evidence in order [to] believe it..."


Ro 2:15, Ps 19:1, Ro 1:20


"You have made my point..."


What point?


[Indian] "If God is necessary for morality how did a "pagan" tribe come to the same morals..."


You make my point (Ro 2:15). The law is written on his heart. He's got an idea that a seared conscience is a bad thing. He's right (1 Ti 4:2). Paul told Timothy that.



"...if it isn't in our evolutionary nature?"


You did not come from a monkey (Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9). Can naturalism explain music? Does Handel's Messiah provide some type of survival benefit for us?

"The fact that a God could exist does not mean it would be the Christian God..."


What other god do you believe fits the bill? Ac 17:22-24

"...[A]nd looking at Christianity's track record..."



What Christianity Has Done for the World


"...of being incorrect about the universe..."



How to Know the Bible is the Word of God by Adrian Rogers

You'll love the turtle bit.


"...I rather doubt it would be the Christian God."


Still waiting for the other god that you'd like to discuss.


"...If I believed that it will rain peanut butter..."


Has God provided food for you?  Jn 6:31.  Have you thanked him for the food you eat daily.  Do you pick up your food and begin to eat like an animal never thinking to thank him? Ro 1:21


"...if made a human sacrifice..."

Who has asked you to make a human sacrifice? Can this person bring your loved one back to life? Ge 22:2. That would be a good thing to know.

Giving your only Son would be a hard thing to do (
Jn 3:16). I know I'd ask for another way (Mt 26:39). Nevertheless, God's will be done (Isa 55:8, Job 1:21).

"...[T]hen told you that there is nothing you could say to convince me otherwise, how would you describe my mental state?"


If I believed God could raise the dead, I'd listen to what he had to say (1 Co 15:17).


"I don't care what Adrian Rogers says, considering he was president of the southern Baptist ministry. Not exactly an unbiased source..."


Are you biased? Isa 1:18


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "I see that we have two of TOL's homosexualist elders posting again..."



"I have to laugh at homosexual apologists who after I bring up a sample of what homosexuals do in the confines of their own sodomy chambers (be it a private bedroom, public restroom toilet stall, park bushes, or wherever the they feel like being "romantic") points out:

"But but but, heterosexuals do it too!".

Yes Sherlock, there are plenty of perverts that claim that they are solely heterosexual. You'll find that those perverts, like all perverts, don't care what other perverts do. Hence, they are "allies" of the homosexual movement.

Also keep in mind that even though their acts are perverted, the relationship isn't (one man, one woman).

According to the Word of God, homosexuals can't say the same."


Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge [Heb. 13:4].

"“Marriage is honourable in all.” The writer is condemning asceticism here. Young man, if you find a Christian girl who will have you, get married. Young lady, if you find a Christian fellow who will have you, get married. I believe that God will lead you to the right one, if you are willing to be led in that way.

Marriage is honorable in all, and sex is to be exercised within the framework of marriage. God gave marriage to mankind for the welfare of mankind. I know I sound like a square, because this idea of living together without being married has become very commonplace, but I must tell you, young person, that you will surely pay for it if you attempt to live together outside the bonds of marriage. The home is the very center of the whole social structure, and it is the very center of the church.

“And the bed undefiled.” There is nothing wrong with sex—except that it is being taught too much in our schools today. When I was in London sometime ago, I learned that they were going to cut down on teaching sex. They found that it led to more rapes in the schools than ever before, and they felt it to be responsible for an epidemic of venereal disease.

“But whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (
Gal. 6:7). This is very severe, but after years in the ministry, I have watched many Christians who have tried to get by with sexual sins, and I do not know of any who have been able to do it. Maybe they have not been detected, but they have not gotten by with it; God has judged them." McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 5:611


Also see:

Eph 5:3-4 McGee

The Faithful Lord


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Vulgar video] "Did anyone else notice how deep P66's voice is on that YouTube video..."


He posted that YouTube video? Deut 22:5, Mt 19:4



Have your ears been burning? You're the talk of the town --must be doing something right.


You're a lifetime member? Do you think that was a wise investment? You're banned most of the time.


The OMG Cat


"A wise woman once said: "He has all the right enemies"..."

Mt 10:16 You know, Paul was in jail most of the time, too.

"I read some of the posts in your thread while I was on "vacation"..."


"What's vacation?" ~ Forest, Forest Gump


"...[T]hanks to you as well my friend."


You're welcome.




Well, I hope you got a discount.


"TOL is a premium website, why not pay the premium price?"


The site does not function correctly (e.g. e-mail notification fuction is inop).


I looked for you in the free expression, Glenn Beck-art-in-a-glass-urine-thread (1 Peter 3:8-18) --and you weren't there.

Keep on keepin' on (Ro 12:19).


"...Glenn has many good things to say..."


He's a freak. How 'bout those sweaters?








Response to comment [from a Catholic]:  "Connie is socially inept, and has a problem with anger..."


Ad hominem

As a reminder, Barbie does not have a biblical worldview.




Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Barbie does not have a biblical worldview.] "...Now that's both an ad hom and an opinion."


[Barbie quote: Connie is socially inept, and has a problem with anger...] "That's not an insult..."

The topic is the crime of homosexuality.


[Barbie does not have a biblical worldview.] "...Now that's both an ad hom and an opinion."


That is a fact. Barbie believes that his "good" deeds will outweigh his bad deeds. His religion is work-based (Jude 11). Christianity is faith based (Eph 2:8-10). Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10, Eph 4:14




"No, it's an opinion..."


Barbarian does not have a biblical worldview. Objective truth comes from God's word (Ps 119:160).



[True Faith and True Grace by John MacArthur] "...Misunderstanding on that key point is at the heart of the error of those who reject lordship salvation. They assume that because Scripture contrasts faith and works, faith must be incompatible with works. They set faith in opposition to submission, yieldedness, or turning from sin, and they categorize all the practical fruits of salvation as human works. They stumble over the twin truths that salvation is a gift, yet it costs everything.

Those ideas are paradoxical, but they are not mutually exclusive. The same dissonance is seen in Jesus' own words, "I will give you rest," followed by "take My yoke upon you" (
Matt. 11:28-29). The rest we enter into by faith is not a rest of inactivity.

Salvation is a gift, but it is appropriated through a faith that goes beyond merely understanding and assenting to the truth..." Full text:
True Faith and True Grace


"Why are you posting this again? You mean that Barbarian doesn't share your Biblical view."


"Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean..." Full text: How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson




"Are you just trying to bury the aCW bits, take the heat off him? Because this is just goofy. You surely can't have so many people regularly emailing you that you couldn't have accomplished this by PM or profile message.  Perhaps it is time to repost an objection and get this back on track."


A few housekeeping items:

I regret I am unable to respond to your post unless I go back to the thread because e-mail notifications are not working.


Movie Scene - Ferris Bueller's Day Off - Last Scene


Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Homosexuality]

Ours is a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. Jn 11:44, Isa 61:10

You're right. Homosexuality is one of those sins that destroys the person committing it.

[Abandoned by God, Part 2
Romans 1:26-32 by John MacArthur] "...Now listen, Paul wants to show us how sinful man is. And he wants to do it in a concise way. So when he wants to demonstrate the vile affections that rise out of the human heart, he picks the worse most disgraceful disgusting degrading passion there is, homosexuality. Because it is not a perversion, it is an inversion, it goes further than perversion. The words refer to an unnatural sexual relationship...

...[T]he Bible says it is abnormal. It is a manifestation of the decadence and the decline and fallenness of man. And it is the most vile earthly sin because it is an utter inversion of the order designed by God. It destroys everything. And the evil in it is inherent in its consequences. It literally destroys those who are involved.

Now I'm not going to take the time to go into all the Scriptures about what the Bible says about homosexuality. Romans 1 is sufficient for tonight. But, I mean, if you really want a very clear word, just read Genesis 1, "He made them male and female and said they were to leave their parents, join together and be one flesh," that's it, folks. Male and female...zakar and neqebah, and there isn't any third kind. That's it.

God literally destroyed an entire civilization in Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality. In Leviticus 18 and chapter 20 the punishment for a homosexual was instant death. But you want to know something else? First Corinthians 6 says, "Such were some of you. Homosexuals, effeminate, but you are washed, you are sanctified." Isn't that great? God saves those kind of people.

Look back at Romans 1 verse 27, "Men with men working that which is unseemly." That is too weak a word, it means working that which is the shameful thing. It even says the shameful thing, that thing you don't even talk about like
Ephesians 5:12, it's a shame to speak of things done in secret. That thing that shouldn't be on our lips, that vile utter perversion. And they are judged in the destructiveness of their own sin, receiving in themselves. Isn't that interesting? It doesn't even come from the outside. They receive in themselves the reward of the error which is fitting for that kind of sin. See, there's no arbitrariness to divine judgment, sin always gets exactly what it deserves. The punishment perfectly fits the crime. The horrible incredible indescribable results of homosexuality are its own condemnation. Unnatural vice is its own perverted reward. People in it are eaten up by guilt, pain, physical disease, terrible wounds, despair, unsatisfaction...fast developing a whole new area of medical care for the people who have the strange and weird deformities that come from homosexuality..." Full text: Abandoned by God, Part 2 Romans 1:26-32 by John MacArthur


[Town Heretic quote: ...[T]he law requires more than our religious feeling and personal distaste...] "You've made it quite clear throughout TOL that you approve of sodomites 'marrying'..."


The law is absolute and perpetual (Mt 5:18). There's nothing wrong with the law. The law is not at fault (Ro 7:7-8). There's something wrong with man (Ro 7:24).


Romans 7:7-25 J. Vernon McGee




Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Homos, their sin destroys them] "All the more reason to show compassion and not condemn them..."


It is compassionate to tell Sodomites the truth.


Homosexuality is: forbidden (Lev. 18:22), considered an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24), punishment for (Lev. 20:13), unclean (Rom. 1:24, 26, 27).


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "The minority can never impose their will on the majority for long. Especially regarding individual sexual behaviors."


"One is a majority with God." ~ Martin Luther


"That doesn't even make any sense."


When you challenge God on the issue of homosexuality, you are wrong. He is right (Lev 18:22, Ex 23:2).


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "It means; [noguru puts in quote brackets] [' sic]I don't have a well reasoned explanation for why I think my minority opinion is best, so I will claim that my opinion on the legislation of these matters is the direct will of God.[' sic]"


What about Lev 18:22 don't you understand?


"I am not debating scripture. I just don't think you have the mental capacity to actually tell others what is best for our society based on scripture..."


Who cares what I say? What does God say?


Response to to comment [from a Christian]:  "...God didn't write the books of Leviticus or Exodus..."


The Bible is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (Ti 3:16-17, NKJV)."


Inspired Scripture


"...[N]o one is challenging God. They're just challenging you're understanding..."


"Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author intended it to mean..." Full text: How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson




Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Homosexuality is wicked (Lev 18:22)] "Serpent hisses: Remember, you aren't God. Nor do you speak for Him."

When I speak from the word of God I speak with the authority of any apostle or prophet (Rogers). Lk 16:29,31, Pr 6:23

A few housekeeping items:

As a reminder, instant e-mail notification is inop. I check back on only the last three or four posts or so. Please make your most important point first.


Response to comment [from a Christian]: Quote from your article: "...We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed..."


[The Reality of God's Wrath Romans 1:18-32 by John MacArthur] "...[Ro 1:27] Verse 27 says that, "Men burned in their desire toward one another." I don't wanna get clinical here. I read a book by Helpern, the coroner in the City of New York, where of course, the most murders are committed in America. He was the coroner of the City of New York, the main coroner, the head coroner, for 20-some years. In his book, he's not a Christian, he's just writing a book as a observer, he did 60 thousand autopsies of murder victims on the City of New York. And he said, "I could tell whether a homosexual did the killing in ten seconds by looking at the body." He said, "I'm not making a moral judgment but I'm telling you there are burning desires and passions among those people that are not like heterosexual people." Multiple stab wounds, multiple shots. Almost, without exception, the bizarre mass killers that we know, serial killers, are homosexual. It is a kind of burning that is outside the norm. And when the society embraces homosexuality, it is clear evidence that you're marching right down the trail in Romans 1.

Step three comes in verse 28, God gave them over to a depraved ... what? Mind. You say, "Well, that doesn't seem like it's worse than homosexuality." It is. It is. You know why? Because when the mind's gone you can't get back. You can't get back. Then what you get is the Jerry Springer Show..." Full text:
The Reality of God's Wrath Romans 1:18-32


Response to comment [from other]: "...[C]ould you please stop referring to me as "Ralphie" and "No guru, no master, no God"..."


Explain your transformation from "other" to "Christian".


"I have never been other than Christian on this site..."


Okay. Discuss something you discovered from God's word recently and what it means to you.


"I would rather stick a knife in my eye than give any effort to having a rational conversation with you."


"If you were arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" ~ J. Vernon McGee


Response to comment [from an agnostic]: [Noguru quote: ...[C]ould you please stop referring to me as "Ralphie" and "No guru, no master, no God"...]



"I don't see how that is anyone's business except noguru's."

He claims to be a Christian. It is reasonable to expect him to act like one.


Response to comment [from other]:   [Noguru]  "You claim to be a Christian..."


He can't or won't point to one example of God revealing something to him in his word.


"[Noguru] "...[H]e just won't discuss it with you."


Or he's all say no play. Jude 12


"Much like you..."



For a guy who claims that everyone else is unable to interpret scripture, (
Jn 16:30) he's sure quiet come put up or shut up time. Is it a difficult question? Give one example of what God has revealed in his word to you lately. How 'bout within the last year? Last 3 years?

"...[N]o amount of reading and studying the Bible will encourage your spiritual growth if you lack the illumination of the Holy Spirit. In simple terms, for God’s Word to do its work in your life, you need to believe it..." Full text:
Elements of Productive Bible Study: Believe by John MacArthur


"And...exactly what business is it of yours?"


When one claims to be a Christian, it is reasonable for others to expect him to act like one.

"What if we started demanding the same thing from you?"


Sure. People talk about things they love. Can you image asking a man about his wife: "So, what's she like?"

And he answers, "I don't want to talk about her."

You claim to love Jesus and you can't think of or will not state one thing the Holy Spirit has revealed to you.


"LOL! When did you ask ME? You're confusing yourself, sd..."


You is plural.


"Ooohh... nice dodge"


Do you have a point to make?


[Do you have a point to make? ] I think the point was made quite clear.


"Immaturity is the incapacity to use one's intelligence without the guidance of another." ~ Immanuel Kant


Response to comment [from a "Christian"]:  [Evidence of being a Christian]


As a reminder, instant email notification is inop. Please make your most important point first and within one day if possible if you would like a response (and some don't ) from me.


Response to comment [from other]: "Why do I care what Immanuel Kant has to say?"


You Kant be serious?


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "You know what George Carlin says about expectations:  'If you find yourself being consistently disappointed by other people in life, lower your expectations!'"


There you go!

A few housekeeping items:

As a reminder, instant e-mail notification is inop.  Expect 2013 to be filled with lots of rhetorical questions.


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "So you mean your typical style of not making any sense, right?"


Makes sense to me (Mt 13:11, 2 Co 2:15).

A few housekeeping items:

As a reminder, response to comment [from a Christian] can mean believer, or make-believer (
Ga 5:9).


Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Thanks for the very informative post my friend..."


You're welcome.

You're banned-- again.

I hope you don't give up on TOL altogether.


come back

Love when Leonardo DiCaprio finally sinks into the water (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10).


Response to comment [from other]: "[M]ake-believer, in your case."


Proof please




She's still mad about the bad skin comment.


"...I have great skin..."


“It's not that girls are delusional, per se. It's just that they have this subtle ability to warp actual circumstances into something different.” ~ Rebecca Serle


Response to comment [from a Christian]: ""What we have here, is...a fail yer to communicate..."


I use that sound in hockey.

Welcome back!


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "While I'm not going to turn this thread into a hissing contest, I feel the need to show the hypocrisy of noguru.  In this post, noguru belittles serpentdove for allegedly making some allegation about his sick mother."


He's hysterical. And you left me here with all these antichrists. How was your vacation?

"What's vacation?" ~ Forest, Forest Gump
Lk 19:13


Response to comment [from a Christian]:  "You just keep hiding behind Jesus for all the wrong reasons. God does not miss your transgressions."


All of your problems are my fault.


"How exactly do you get that..."


Noguru quote: "[S]nakebird...tried to say I would not defend my views because why? Because I was absent from the screen while feeding my mother." link


 "[How did you get that?] If you remember, I did originally respond to you...




"Proof please?"


Be yourself. Everyone else is taken (Eph 4:14).


"I cannot be anyone else..."


Ok. Don't be me.


Source kgov.com


[Multiple ad hominem attacks but no answer to a basic question] "Then I went off to cook and feed my mom. In the interim, before I returned, you had made several posts about my lack of responses to your question. That is what I was referencing in the post you have here..."


I had asked you to give one example of what God has revealed to you in his word of late. A Christian would jump at the opportunity to answer this question. You would not answer the question in your reply to me.

A few housekeeping items:

As a reminder instant e-mail notification is inop. Make your most important point first as I do receive updates to the thread. Often I do not go back to see if there are additional posts on a given topic.


"I answered it...[Y]ou cannot understand."


That must be it? Eph 4:14




No Scientific Evidence That People Are Born Gay or Transgender, Johns Hopkins Researchers Say

From He to She in First Grade

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).


Why Homosexuality Must Be Recriminalized!