Food Stamp President .
[NY food stamp
recipients shipping welfare-funded groceries
to relatives in other countries] "Food
stamps are paying for trans-Atlantic takeout
— with New Yorkers using taxpayer-funded
benefits to ship food to relatives in
Jamaica, Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Welfare recipients are buying groceries with
their Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)
cards and packing them in giant barrels for
the trip overseas, The Post found.
The practice is so common that hundreds of
45- to 55-gallon cardboard and plastic
barrels line the walls of supermarkets in
almost every Caribbean corner of the city.
The feds say the moveable feasts go against
the intent of the $86 billion welfare
program for impoverished Americans..." Full
NY food stamp recipients shipping
welfare-funded groceries to relatives in
other countries
Am 8:5
For Every Job Created by Obama, 2 Americans Enroll in Food Stamps
Ex 20:15,
2 Thess 3:10
Response to comment [from other]: "[Food stamps] I assume you're 'outraged' by this blatant act of kindness..."
If government is the
middle man,
that doesn't make stealing right (Enyart,
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
"The poor aren't 'stealing' anything..."
The Bible Speaks On Welfare
"I'm not going to chase your links. If you have something to say, say it..."
Who cares what I say?
What does God say (Ac
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Wrong. Your warped mindset and willingness to twist scripture to fit your own ideology is simply evil..."
You're projecting again (Eph
...feather problem
Alate One
Response to comment [from other]:
If you disagree with the Left (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10)
you love rich people and hate poor people!
Recommended Reading:
Bullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans
by Ben Shapiro
[Art Kohl] "He makes a risible argument with as many holes in it as a sieve. That isn't the equivalent of your equally ill thought out definitions and differences between "left" and "right"."
He made an argument based on scripture. You made an
argument based on your good looks.
Do I misrepresent your side's position? Are conservatives evil? Do we think
kids ought to go to bed hungry at night?
"Our moral values, in contradiction to the Republicans', is we don't think
kids ought to go to bed hungry at night." ~ Howard Dean, chairman of the
Democratic National Committee
[Argument based on scripture] "He made an 'argument' based on certain pieces which were then twisted into some bizarre anti welfare rant..."
Let the reader decide.
I'd love to hear him explain what should happen to people who are out of work where jobs are scarce, those who aren't able to work etc where there isn't any family support or charity to help.
"From each according
to his abilities, to each according to his
~ Karl Marx
"So, another snipped post, an irrelevant quote instead of directly addressing anything..."
We get our values from
the Bible.
Where do you get your values? The Communist
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
"Well if you did you wouldn't have a problem with the poor, sick, vulnerable and elderly being made provision for in society."
Is that a yes?
"Maybe you think the rich man was right to deny Lazarus even the crumbs from his table?"
What Christianity Has Done for the World
Lazarus. Clearly not the Lazarus in John 11
(who died at a later time). This beggar was
the only character in any of Jesus’ parables
ever given a name. Some therefore have
speculated that this was no imaginary tale,
but an actual incident that really took
place. Either way, Christ employs it in the
same fashion as all His parables, to teach a
lesson, in this case for the benefit of the
Pharisees. The rich man in the parable is
sometimes called Dives, after the Latin word
for “rich.”
16:21 The mention of table scraps, sores,
and dogs all made this poor man appear
odious in the eyes of the Pharisees. They
were inclined to see all such things as
proof of divine disfavor. They would have
viewed such a person as not only unclean,
but also despised by God.
16:22 Abraham’s bosom. This same expression
(found only here in Scripture) was used in
the Talmud as a figure for heaven. The idea
was that Lazarus was given a place of high
honor, reclining next to Abraham at the
heavenly banquet.
16:23 in Hades. The suggestion that a rich
man would be excluded from heaven would have
scandalized the Pharisees (see note on
Matt. 19:24);
especially galling was the idea that a
beggar who ate scraps from his table was
granted the place of honor next to Abraham.
“Hades” was the Gr. term for the abode of
the dead. In the LXX, it was used to
translate the Heb. Sheol, which referred to
the realm of the dead in general, without
necessarily distinguishing between righteous
or unrighteous souls. However, in NT usage,
“Hades” always refers to the place of the
wicked prior to final judgment in hell. The
imagery Jesus used fit the erroneous common
rabbinical idea that Sheol had two parts,
one for the souls of the righteous and the
other for the souls of the wicked—separated
by an impassable gulf. But there is no
reason to suppose, as some do, that
“Abraham’s bosom” spoke of a temporary
prison for the souls of OT saints, who were
brought to heaven only after He had actually
atoned for their sins. Scripture
consistently teaches that the spirits of the
righteous dead go immediately into the
presence of God (cf. 23:43;
2 Cor. 5:8;
Phil. 1:23).
And the presence of Moses and Elijah on the
Mount of Transfiguration (9:30) belies the
notion that they were confined in a
compartment of Sheol until Christ finished
His work.
16:24 I am tormented. Christ pictured Hades
as a place where the unspeakable torment of
hell had already begun. Among the miseries
featured here are unquenchable flame (see
note on
Matt. 25:46);
an accusing conscience fed by undying
memories of lost opportunity (v. 25); and
permanent, irreversible separation from God
and everything good (v. 26).
16:27 send him to my father’s house. The
rich man retained a condescending attitude
toward Lazarus even in hell, repeatedly
asking Abraham to “send” Lazarus to wait on
him (cf. v. 24). The flames of hell do not
atone for sin or purge hardened sinners from
their depravity (cf.
Rev. 22:11).
16:29 They have Moses and the prophets.
I.e., the OT Scriptures.
16:31 neither will they be persuaded. This
speaks powerfully of the singular
sufficiency of Scripture to overcome
unbelief. The gospel itself is the power of
God unto salvation (Rom.
Since unbelief is at heart a moral, rather
than an intellectual, problem, no amount of
evidences will ever turn unbelief to faith.
But the revealed Word of God has inherent
power to do so (cf.
John 6:63;
Heb. 4:12;
James 1:18;
1 Pet. 1:23)."
The MacArthur Study Bible. 1997 (J.
MacArthur, Jr., Ed.) (electronic ed.) (Lk
Nashville, TN: Word Pub.
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "Its not outrageous to help their family, with their own things, it is outrageous to make American taxpayers help them..."
That's right.
The Bigger the State
the Smaller the Citizen
Prager University
[We get our values from the Bible.
Where do you get your values? The Communist
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10]
"Forget it."
"No, I don't get my values from the bloody [C]ommunist [M]anifesto. How that wasn't already obvious without having to spell it out in six foot high neon letters is totally bemusing."
Where do you get your
Do you make them up as you go along?
"Now you go on and snip this and link it back to your site, and unless you're going to start actually debating..."
You floated the Jesus was a Marxist
idea but that didn't work out so well. Mk
[Where do you get your values?
"It didn't "work out so well" because I
never floated the idea in the first place."
Does your Jesus
support redistribution of earned income?
Ex 20:15,
2 Thess 3:10
[Where do you get your values?
"You've been answered on the latter verse [2
Thess 3:10] already."
Thess 3:10.
The missionaries had taught the
Thessalonians to be industrious as well as
giving them a good example. Paul wanted no
one to forget exactly what the apostles had
said. It was a firm rule of Christian
conduct. He either quoted it verbatim here
or summarized his previous teaching into a
single pithy precept. The individuals in
view were not those who could not work but
those who would not work. They were not to
be supported by other Christians out of a
sense of charity. The loving thing to do for
those drones was to let them go hungry so
that they would be forced to do right and go
to work. No Christian who is able but
unwilling to work should be maintained by
others who labor on his behalf." Constable,
T. L. (1985). 2 Thessalonians. In J. F.
Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible
Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the
Scriptures (J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck,
Ed.) (2
Th 3:10).
Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[Lives in UK] "...Churches don't have funds available to provide for all of those out of employment..."
Maybe you shouldn't have
turned all your churches into
2 Ti 3:2, NASB
Churches Converted into Bars Around the World
"No answer to the question I see."
You're not going to like my answer.
"I'd be impressed if you just gave an actual answer."
What's the question?
"If your answer is charity, church and family support then it's completely unrealistic that it would cover all of those in need."
That's a shame. Mk 14:7
"About as much as could be expected from a troll I suppose."
I told you that you were not going to like
my answer.
"You didn't give an answer, so there wasn't anything not to like..."
What's the question?
"...You're a dishonest lying troll who never attempts honest conversation and spams up every thread she's in..."
Please restate in the form of a question.
"...You've purposely not answered it and I'm tired of wasting time with a deliberately dishonest troll..."
Please restate in the form of a question.
[Poor with you always Mk 14:7] "It's still there, twice now and you won't answer it anyway so don't pretend..."
I told you that you were not going to like
my answer.
[What's the question?
"Go and quote mine people onto that lying
travesty of a website of yours you deeply
obnoxious little spammer."
That's not a question.
[Poor with you always Mk 14:7] "...[Y]ou aren't honest as the question is still there."
I told you that you would not like my
"...[Y]ou don't give a damn about other people."
Don't be like that.
"I'd have more respect for someone who actually said they'd see those incapable of work without any aid as it would be honest at least."
You do think
that conservatives want children to go to
bed hungry.
Are conservatives evil?
"You're an unfeeling little troll..."
Don't be like that.
"Thanks for proving you care nothing about the truth or people and confirming you're a deliberate liar who can't answer with any honesty at all."
If I admit that we want all children go to
bed hungry, will you admit that you believe
we are evil
and can therefore dismiss our argument?
"No, because unlike you I'd have to lie in order to make any such admission and I wouldn't be comfortable with that. I don't view conservatives as evil."
We operate out of a set of convictions?
"You operate out of a set of who knows what..."
We make decisions
based on a set of principles (Ex
Leftists make decisions based on feelings.
Eccl 10:2,
Jn 10:10
"Our moral values, in contradiction to the
Republicans', is we don't think kids ought
to go to bed hungry at night." ~ Howard
Dean, chairman of the Democratic National
"[Y]ou make a conscious decision to lie about people..."
Proof please.
"Your signature. It's blatant lies and you know it."
Who wants the opinion
of a liar who wants children to go to bed
hungry at night?
"You never give your opinion...[Y]our lies...[Y]ou yourself don't care..."
Such a person needs to
be rejected.
"...[Y]ou don't care anyway as long as you can carry on with your antics..."
"Thanks for admitting it..."
Who are you talking about?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "She's found good company with a couple of her buddies..."
You should start a
Response to comment [from other]: "You should have the guts to either retract your signature claims or provide proof for them."
Get them banned.
"Who are you talking about?"
"...[Y]our signature will always betray you with as it stands..."
You don't like my
"Why would I like someone lying about friends?"
Proof please.
"Plastikbuddha isn't [G]amera..."
He isn't a friend.
"So that excuses you lying about him?"
Proof please.
PB never really goes away.
"I'm English."
~ Austin Powers
"I'm sorry."
~ Cowboy
"This is where the rubber meets the road. "
~ J. Vernon McGee
Co 11:14 —
For Satan himself transforms himself into an
angel of light.
Cults and false religions through the ages
have often begun out of interactions with
beings who presented themselves as angels.
Demonic double-agents can do a great deal of
harm, and we must beware of them." Stanley,
C. F. (2005). The Charles F. Stanley life
principles Bible: New King James Version (2
Co 11:14).
Nashville, TN: Nelson Bibles.
"What does J. Vernon McGee have to say about deliberately bearing false witness?"
Proof please.
Chew tobacco, chew tobacco, chew tobacco,
Not an endorsement of
drinking or fornicating
"...'', your own little site where you fib, quote mine from here and generally air a whole load of bullocks for anyone unfortunate enough to pass by..."
I'm not here to teach you English 101.
Ladies Love Country Boys
- Trace Adkins
...What does the rabid bunny have for me today?
[Where do you get your values?
"...[Y]ou lie about people..."
Proof please.
Where do you get
your values?
[Basic English, Editing length of posts on site] "Well that's pretty much just as well cos' you'd suck at it."
Ad hominem
Tactics of the Left
All-American Girl
- Carrie Underwood
"Proof please"
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." ~ Oscar
A few housekeeping items:
As a reminder, ()
stands for ad hominem attack, (
stands for "facts, just the facts ma'am."
Don't Take the Girl
Tim McGraw
The fact
is we disagree.
You don't do evil (Ex
20:15) that
good may come of it (Ro
Find Out Who Your Friends Are
- Tracy Lawrence, Tim McGraw and
Kenny Chesney
Boy's Round Here
Blake Shelton
Ladies Love Country Boys
- Trace Adkins
All-American Girl
- Carrie Underwood
Don't Take the Girl
Tim McGraw
Never Wanted Nothing More
- Kenny Chesney
Letter To Me
- Brad Paisley
She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy
- Kenny Chesney
Hillbilly Deluxe
- Brooks & Dunn
Beer in Mexico - Kenny Chesney
Beer For My Horses
- Toby Keith & Willie Nelson
Chicken Fried
- Zac Brown Band
Indian Outlaw
- Tim McGraw
Anywhere with You
- Jake Owen
Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo
- Tracy Byrd
Give It Away - George Strait
Before He Cheats - Carrie Underwood
Redneck Crazy
- Tyler Farr
Stupid Boy
- Keith Urban
Watching Airplanes
- Gary Allan
Goodbye In Her Eyes - Zac Brown Band
Better As A Memory - Kenny Chesney
What Kinda Gone
- Chris Cagle
Let it Rain
- David Nail
Come Back Song
- Darius Rucker
Hard To Love
- Lee Brice
Better Than I Used to Be
- Tim McGraw
Live Like You Were Dying
- Tim McGraw
That's What I Love About Sunday
- Craig Morgan
I Saw God Today
- George Strait
Moments - Emerson Drive
That's Why I Pray
- Big & Rich
Back When
- Tim McGraw
Should've Been A Cowboy
- Toby Keith
Me And My Gang
- Rascal Flatts
Down on The Farm
- Tim Mcgraw
Seven Bridges Road
- The Eagles
Take Me Home, Country Roads
- John Denver
Back Where I Come From
- Kenney Chesney
Rocky Mountain High
- John Denver
Something To Be Proud Of
- Montgomery Gentry
Small Town Southern Man
- Alan Jackson
Different World
- Bucky Covington
We Rode in Trucks
- Luke Bryan
Check Yes or No
- George Strait
Don't Blink
- Kenny Chesney
Lucky Man
- Montgomery Gentry
There Goes My Life
- Kenny Chesney
Remember When
- Alan Jackson
Good Directions
- Billy Currington
Daddy's Money
- Ricochet
I Like It, I Love It
- Tim McGraw
Honey Bee
- Blake Shelton
Sweet Thing
- Keith Urban
Somethin 'Bout a Truck
- Kip Moore
Take A Little Ride
- Jason Aldean
Drunk on You
- Florida Georgia Line
All Over the Road
- Easton Corbin
Get Your Shine On
- Florida Georgia Line
Sure Be Cool If You Did
- Blake Shelton
Why Ya Wanna - Jana Kramer
Kiss A Girl
- Keith Urban
Angel Eyes -
Love & Theft
Don't Ya
Brett Eldredge
Want To
- Sugarland
She's Everything
- Brad Paisley
You Save Me
- Kenny Chesney
Take Me There
- Rascal Flatts
Gimme That Girl
- Joe Nichols
A Woman Like You
- Lee Brice
Who Are You When I'm Not Looking
- Blake Shelton
that relaxes, refreshes and restores is a good thing. Bless others (1
Pe 3:9, Mt 12:36, Rogers).
Response to comment [from an atheist]: "I run TOL Lightweight with the sigs turned off. That puts your avatar and stats in a nice short bar at the top and your post below it in as short a space as needed without the sig stuff. I highly recommend it. Just try it, just try it once."
My signature's
[Signature] "I can't see it. I can't see mine for that matter, what does it say?"
It looks like this:
[Where do you get your values?
"...[Y]ou lie about people..."
Proof please.
Where do you get
your values?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [We
make decisions based on a set of principles
"If you actually, really did, you'd be
observing the principle in the next verse:
Exodus 20:16"
You're projecting again.
False Roman Catholic Traditions
aren't "friends"
"Your selective morality is showing."
Proof please.
Roman Catholicism
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Thread] "...I suppose it will probably be locked soon."
You don't care for my select-a-set?
Response to comment [from other]: "[I am
"One can only hope..."
Don't be like that, bunny.
[Return after ban] "What, no youtube vids?"
I was banned
for that,
[Banned for posting
too many YouTube videos
Oh yes...The forum became a saner place for
a while..."
Then Knight made his
new avatar
one of the people in those videos.
[1 Pe 4:15] "Even spam can have its uses..."
It's all about all
Y'all - group
All y'all - big group
"Y'all all 'y'all...?"
It's a country thang.
"Leaders--do not be a busybody (an overseer
of others)." ~ Adrian Rogers
But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a
thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in
other people’s matters (1
Pe 4:15).
"Hmm, might be an idea to stop that ongoing gossip and deliberate slander in your sig then."
Proof please
Arthur Brain
"[Y]our own silly website which is a complete joke..."
Ad hominem
Tactics of the Left
Woman charged with welfare fraud after selling food stamp card on Facebook
Record Food Stamp Rolls Outnumber Entire Population of Northeast USA
Food stamp rise shows 'Recovery That Wasn't'
Response to comment [from other]: "Food stamp increase was because of the recession which began while Bush was President."
Am 8:5
Food Stamps Go Blank: Glitch Shuts Down Debit Card System Nationwide Ex 20:15, 1 Ti 5:8
Response to comment [from a Christian]: "This has got me wondering, the what if ...what if food stamps and other entitlements were to close due to default, there would be riots non-stop. What if just for a week there were no entitlements ... there would be riots! Precarious with so many depending on the government for their daily bread."
[To member] "...Stop the government checks, food stamps and other entitlement programs due to some government glitch, and what do you think will happen? Chaos within a week."
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Electronic Benefit Transfer (food stamp card)] ...[I]n Louisiana it took only hours for the handout hordes to attack a WalMart with no limit EBT card, clearing the shelves of goods..."
"They took every last
can of Who hash."
~ Laura Ingraham
Ex 20:15,
2 Thess 3:10
'Food stamp recruiters' have monthly quota of 150 recipients
Food Stamps for Sale on Craig' List
Administration fights to keep food stamp
payments secret Am
Food Stamp enrollment more than doubles in a
Record 20% of Households on Food Stamps
New face of food stamps: Working-age
Obama signs trillion-dollar 'farm bill'
80% goes to food stamps
Police: Couple Leaves 4 Kids Home Alone With
$100, Food Stamps, Space Heaters for 6 Days
Food Stamps Participation at Historic High
Cheney: Obama Would ‘Much Rather Spend the
Money on Food Stamps’ than Military
States Use Loophole to Erase $8 Billion of
Food Stamp Cuts