Sola scriptura vs. Magisterium: What Did Jesus Teach?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...[S]ola scriptura is not the teaching of Christ..."
You'll have to
Psalm 138:2 go away.
We are saved by grace alone (Eph
2:8-9) through faith alone (Eph
2Ti 1:10) in Christ alone
Ac 4:12). Roman Catholics
deny this (Jude
The scriptures are full and sufficient (Lk
an unerring guide (Pr
2 Pe 1:19), able to make
men wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (2
Ti 3:15).
Vid. Catholicism vs Christianity by Mike Gendron
The Greatest News Ever Told
Your church does not hold some special knowledge
that others cannot attain (Mt
Ga 1:6-8,
Eph 4:14).
Gnostics taught this.
The hottest place in hell is for reserved for those who hinder others from the
gospel of grace (Hocking).
Ac 20:24, Lk 11:52
What is sola scriptura? Do the Scriptures even teach sola scriptura? What is the
standard for Christian faith and practice?
The Crown of Rejoicing by David Hocking Pt. 3
[IXOYE quote: "Explain yourself, don't just run around making sniper hit and run shots at people's faiths then hiding and disappearing like the coward as you have done several times. Make an accusation. Supply nothing but the slander. run away. never comment on it again (sic, 27 Sep 2011 18:37:02)]...Is your name serpentdove because you are a snake that hides and eats the doves? Your comments are snotty and unscriptural, or are inappropriate claims from scripture. Very few of what you pasted above supports the words you allot it. [sic]"
You're funny.
"You are evading. You have no answers..."
You have no questions.
And you're a little unhinged.
Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)
Numero 12
Religious Zealots (saved by works crowd)
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Ps 138:2] "...[Y]ou'll first need to show us where in this verse a single thing about "scripture" is mentioned..."
His word (not
is true (Ps. 119:142, 151, 160).
"Where in Psalm 138:2 does it say anything whatsoever about "scripture"..."
For the
believer (not the make believer [Mt
Ga 1:6-8,
Eph 4:14
Psalm 138:2 is an
extraordinary statement: You have magnified Your word
above all Your name. Jn 1:1,
Lk 11:28,
Heb 4:12.
"Once again, you merely dodge the question. I'll ask it again: "Where in Psalm 138:2 does it say anything whatsoever about 'scripture' ..."
The scriptures (Ro
2 Ti 3:15) are the word
of God (Lk
Heb 4:12.
The scriptures are full and sufficient (Lk
an unerring guide (Pr
2 Pe 1:19), able to make
men wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (2
Ti 3:15)
"...your preferred interpretations of Scripture..."
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means, what you think it means." ~
Inigo Montoya
"Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author
intended it to mean..." Full text:
How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson
Scripture should be compared with scripture (not man's
opinion) (1
Co 2:13).
Watch that pride (Pr
2 Ti 3:2).
"...your preferred anti-Catholic doctrinal tradition..."
We prefer truth. We reject false teaching.
"You nullify the Word of God by your traditions that you have handed down (Mk
Catholic (false) Traditions
" authoritatively and bindingly interpreted..."
You are a
modern-day Gnostic believing somehow that your church alone has special
that others cannot attain. It is a trait of cults and 'isms (Eph
Any one who reads the word of God (the scriptures
will quickly realize that your church teaches lies.
Your church is an apostate church (Rev.
They will join the other cults and 'isms in judgment (Rev.
Why do you believe they murdered those who tried to share the word of God to
others? Why did they read Mass in Latin? Why did they make the congregation face
the back of the church?
You come from a long line of murderers energized by Satan not God (Ac
Php 3:5,
Mr 7:3,5-8;
Ga 1:14,
Lk 5:33,
Php 3:5,6,
Mt 23:15). You will not
thwart God's purposes (Mt
Reformation Time Line
Response to comment [from other]: "Everyone agrees His word is perfect."
"...[I]f you.are going to throw vss around. With no explanation, I'm going to.go.all out to show you what a fool's way that is of presenting your case." [sic]
You are going
to have to be coherent.
"Explain what you think they say and talk with not too people. You are not that smart, nor that grand."
Specifics, Bob.
"Your claim and position is more like 'what I .say scripture says you better agreed with.'"
Are you typing
on a Blackberry?
Do you have big thumbs?
Mt 6:33
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word of God (Jn 1:1,14)."
"The Lord Jesus Christ is the Holy Spirit (2 Co 3:17)."
The Lord Jesus is the second person of the trinity. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity. Ex 20:2; Joh 20:28; Ac 5:3,4
"[T]he Lord is the Spirit. Yahweh of the OT is the same Lord who is saving people in the New Covenant through the agency of the Holy Spirit. The same God is the minister of both the Old and New Covenants."
"The Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, is not nullified by the traditions of
the Roman Catholic Church and Organization. He is our King."
Pious platitude
(Matt. 12:1721, 23:15, Ga 5:9, Ac 15:5; Php 3:5, Mr 7:3,5-8; Ga 1:14, Lk 5:33,
18:11-12, 16:15, 18:9, Php 3:5,6).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Believe] "Show me I don't..."
Show us you do. We are saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-10).
"We have no idea what you think those vs means..."
Who cares what
I think.
What does God think?
"Did you know that the KKK uses the same vs to prove the Bible supports White
False teachers
counterfeit US currency not bubble gum wrappers (Rogers, Ga
Roman Catholics counterfeit historical, biblical Christianity (Gal.
Matt. 15:9,
Eph 4:14).
[KKK] "First they prove the word is not a lie, that it's all true. Then they proof text with appropriate vs to show blacks are cursed etc... and challenge you as anti Bible if you don't believe it means what they think it means."
They do.
Bad white self-proclaimed supremacists (Ac
"So until you show what any of those vs means to you, you are just wasting the time of all of us."
What do those verses mean to you?
"You are just posing and posturing..."
Then again, maybe not.
"...[S]top the friggin lying..."
About what?
Eph 2:8-10
"...[Y]ou won't respond to rebuttals."
Specifics, Bob.
"...[T]here is no reason to talk to you. I might as well talk to jeffrey Dahmer about diet."
Jeffrey Dahmer
became a Christian (Re 2:11). You can, too (Mt 6:33).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word of God (Jn 1:1,14).] "Hi five!"
It's a step up from the fist bump
I suppose.
"I love J. Vernon McGee."
Love him, too. I can't wait to meet him one day (1 Co 15:19; 1 Ti 1:1).
"I love John MacArthur..."
I do, too (but I disagree with him on open view [open theism]).
(Matt. 12:1721, 23:15, Ga 5:9, Ac 15:5; Php 3:5, Mr 7:3,5-8; Ga 1:14, Lk 5:33,
18:11-12, 16:15, 18:9, Php 3:5,6)]. "Pious indeed!"
Not a compliment.
Do J. Vernon's five-year Bible study. You'll come out of false teaching and
you'll know what I mean.
"We don't fool around. We make statues of Him!"
That's the
problem (Ex 32:4-6; Ps 106:19,20)--you fool around (Ex. 34:15, 16).
Too bad
your church removed the Second Commandment. Put it all
back in place
and see if it doesn't make sense.
John of Damascus: Image-conscious Arab
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Scriptures] "Yes---but not only the
Scriptures are the word of God, as you falsely assume. God's word is far more
than merely the written texts..."
Your Pope
not Christ on earth (Mark
Trust God's wisdom. It is beyond your Pope's comprehension (Ps
Anselm: Reluctant bishop with a remarkable mind
[Roman Catholics removed the Second Commandment] "Too bad you're still deliberately lying..."
Let the reader
Walk by any Catholic Church and talk a look for yourself.
No Altering Commandments
"...[J]ust like your pal, John MacArthur."
He is a fine
servant of the Lord (Ps 119:49; Isa 56:6; Ro 1:1).
I have a nice picture with him.
Response to comment [from other] "...[T]o confine God's word to the written texts, is like putting the ocean in a bottle. It also has to ignore parts of God's text."
Why Isn't the Apocrypha in the Bible?
Did Constantine Decide What Books Belong in the Bible?
[Your Pope] Sorry, your "answer" fails to engage in any way with the post to which you're supposedly responding. Try again.
Do you believe the Pope is Christ on earth?
"He is a fine servant of the Lord."
[John MacArthur a fine servant of the Lord (Ps 119:49; Isa 56:6; Ro 1:1)] "Not when it comes to accurately representing Catholic belief and teachings."
You removed the
scripture from my quote. It is what you do (Eph
Jn 8:44,
Jn 1:1,
Isa 30:12).
MacArthur does not misrepresent
your church's teaching.
Doing so would not advance his argument.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [MacArthur does not misrepresent your church's teaching. Doing so would not advance his argument.] "Sure it does, as long as those he's speaking to are just as ignorant of actual Catholic doctrine and practice as he you are..."
Ad hominem.
Everyone who
does not agree with you is lying?
Is Mike Gendron lying, too?
He was a Roman Catholic for over 30 years. Did he not get it
either? Is it possible to understand your theology and disagree with it?
Vid. Catholicism vs Christianity by Mike Gendron
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...I have to pick myself yoi off the floor from laughing, change my soiled britches..."
"...H.s. you are a demon worshipping anti christ. 1 john 3:6, 3:9, 5:18. You are not led by god Romans 8:9, bit like Satan attempt to pure those gullible minds to your argument, stripping them of milk for arsenic. See adam's fall, Genesis. You are not led by he spirit, gal 5:16, but do the devils work, 1 john 4:1-9 You are hear only to stir dissent and create excuses for hate rom 5:19-21, and disobey christ directly in His commands as you condemn abuse Church in at least one manifestation. Matt 5:44-48. As a result, again you are not in Him, and He is not in you. 1 john 4:16, and thus the spirit that leads you, not being of Christ rom 8:4-8, is leading you astray...[sic]"
Are you on
"Looks like I
picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue."
~ Steve McCroskey, Airplane!
[Ad hominem] "You look ignorant..."
"...and reaching now"
"I taught the logic class in college..."
Illogical!" ~ Sarek, Star Trek
[See: Why Isn't the Apocrypha in the Bible? Did Constantine Decide What Books Belong in the Bible?]
"No! Why would I go see? If you can't make your own arguments, you don't belong at the adult table. If you want me to debate those resources, get the dang author here so they can be cross examined, and so they can respond to my arguments...""...And the
and the colors
and the people
and the colors..." ~ Sybil
2 Ti 1:7
"You need to grow up, make your own arguments, or simply shut up and stop embarrassing my faith, and my Lord with your hate mongering bigotry..."
Does Holy water
make your skin sizzle?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [Rejecting Catholicism] "It almost always traces back to a fundamental ignorance of the Church's doctrinal and moral teachings."
these teachings from your church moral?
You have yet to admit that one is unbiblical.
The are all unbiblical.
"You nullify the Word of God by your traditions that you have handed down." (Mark
Too bad you
hate the word of God (Jn
"God does business with those who mean business." ~ Adrian Rogers
Charles Finney: Father of American revivalism
[Too bad you hate the word of God (Jn 1:1)] "Poor serpent can't tell the difference between his interpretations of the Bible, and the Bible itself..."
"Too bad." ~
Seth Brundle, The Fly
"Every verse of the Bible means exactly what the author
intended it to mean..." Full text:
How to Interpret the Bible by Darrell Ferguson
"Leave it to serpent to pick a heretic for a hero. Even his fellow Protestants know better than to endorse Finney-ism!"
I reject Calvinism and Arminianism.
Lyman Beecher: Revivalist who moved with the times
"...[N]ot what serpent claims..."
Get yourself a savior (Mt
6:33). Then, you'll get it (1
Cor 2:14).
We are saved by grace through faith (Eph
"[S]erpent's interpretations of the Bible are not the word of God."
Being children of the Father, we can understand
the word of God (1
Kin. 3:912).
We fellowship with him. You fear men (Isa
fear God (Ps
111:10). He said it that settles it.
We get: joy, peace, encouragement, strength, love, comfort, insight, trust,
delight, confidence, assurance, zeal, motivation, passion, desire, drive, rest,
refreshment security, patience, fear of God, reverence, awe, satisfaction,
fulfillment and amazement--just to name a few--those are the effects of the
presence of God.
You would like Christians to stop talking
and start believing you (Mt
Forgiveness is not found in your church. It is found only in God. He (not your
church) is the only source of forgiveness (Ps
130:4). You have something better to offer?
Loving God with all your Heart Pt. 8 by Darrell
Ferguson (right click, open)
Response to comment [from other]: "Funny you cut that message one vs short you lying eisegetical twit. What does vs 10 say?"
I wrote: "We are saved by grace through faith (Eph
You said: "Funny you cut that message one vs short you lying eisegetical twit.
What does vs 10 say? [sic]"
Eph 4:14.
We love verse 10.
We are created unto good works. Get yourself a savior, then your "good"
works will matter.
"Do you think if you claim to be superman you can fly?"
When God gives a law he reveals his heart. There are consequences for disobeying him (Ps 78:10,40; Isa 3:8).
We are fruit inspectors (Mt
7:16). Do they hate the word of God?
Jn 1:1.
"If you blow God off. He'll blow you off, too." ~ Doug Giles
Jer 6:19,
Ps 130:4.
"...[I]f you change your ways now, and repent from them, you too may feel those things."
Experientialism does not save (Jn 4:22). Jesus saves (Isa
45:21,22; 59:16; Ac 4:12)..
In experientialism "...truth is discerned by experience, not accurate
interpretation of the Scripture. Signs and wonders, visions, prophecies, voices
from God will tell you the truth. Forget the Bible, set the Bible aside, trust
your intuition, trust your feelings, trust your experiences. A dangerous epoch
that stripped the Bible of its authority. I remember one leader I was dialoguing
with said, I really don't care what the Bible says, I know what Jesus told
me... Full text:
Principles for Discernment, Part 3 Grace to You
[v 10 Saved by grace through faith (Eph 2:8-10).] "I know what you wrote..."
You said: "...[Y]ou cut that message one vs short you lying [sic]..." Eph 4:14.
I included v 10 in the quote.
"...[Y]our mind and your words left out that you are saved for works."
"You don't love works..."
You've never done a good work.
Your "good" works have been done in the flesh (Tit 1:16).
Get saved. Then, you can do good things.
Works are insufficient for salvation (Psa. 49:7, 8; Psa. 127:1,
2; Eccl. 1:14; Isa. 43:26; Isa. 57:12; Isa. 64:6; Ezek.
7:19; Ezek. 33:1219; Dan. 9:18; Matt. 5:20; Luke 17:710;
Luke 18:914; Acts 13:39; Rom. 3:2031; Rom. 4:18 vs.
922.; Rom. 8:3; Rom. 9:16, 31, 32; Rom. 11:6; 1 Cor.
13:13; Gal. 2:16, 19, 21; Gal. 3:1012, 21 vs. 129.;
Gal. 4:911; Gal. 5:2, 4, 6, 18; Gal. 6:15; Eph. 2:8,
9; Phil. 3:39; Col. 2:2023; 2 Tim. 1:9; Tit. 3:4, 5;
Heb. 4:310; Heb. 6:1, 2; Heb. 9:114; Jas. 2:10, 11).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]:
"You fear men. We fear God."
You removed the scripture from my quote:
You fear men (Isa
We fear God (Ps
111:10). It is what you do (Eph
"False Dilemma..."
You're in a very real dilemma (Ps 130:4, Isa 48:22).
"You would like
Christians to
stop talking
and start
believing you (Mt.
(See how that
[You removed the scripture from my quote It is what you do (Eph 4:14).] "...[N]obody really cares about serpent's preferences and opinions..."
Why do you want an answer from someone
whose has preferences and opinions that you do not care about?
Psa. 55:14; Psa. 119:63; Amos 3:3; Mal. 3:16; Matt. 17:4;
Matt. 20:2528; Matt. 23:8; Mark 10:4245; Luke 22:32; Luke
24:1315; John 13:34; John 15:12; John 17:11, 2123; Acts
1:14; Acts 2:1, 42, 4447; Acts 17:4; Acts 20:35; Rom.
1:12; Rom. 14:14, 10, 1316, 1821; Rom. 15:17; 1 Cor.
1:10; 1 Cor. 10:16, 17; 1 Cor. 12:13; 1 Cor. 16:19, 20;
Gal. 2:9; Gal. 6:2, 10; Eph. 2:1422; Eph. 5:2, 19,
30; Phil. 1:3, 5, 27; Phil. 2:1, 2; Col. 2:2; Col.
3:16; 1 Thess. 4:18; 1 Thess. 5:11, 14; Heb. 3:13; Heb.
10:24, 25; Heb. 13:1; Jas. 5:16; 1 Pet. 2:17; 1 Pet. 3:8,
9; 1 John 1:3, 7; 1 John 3:14; 1 John 4:7, 8, 1113.
I have already stated: Being children of the Father, we can
the word of God (1 Kin. 3:912).
We fellowship with him. You fear men (Isa 51:12).
We fear God (Ps 111:10).
Do you believe God created man with an inability to understand him
and his word?
Ge 2:20. God walked with Enoch (Ge 5:24). Do you believe he needed a
Roman Catholic priest there to translate?
Noah walked with God (Ge 6:9). Did have to put some money in a Roman
Catholic coffer
for that privilege?
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "Shut up..."
(right click, open)
Response to comment [from a Christian]: [Ixoye quote: "A narcissistic trait..."]
I think he's taken Psychology 101.
He called my use of smilies passive aggressive.
"Tell me about your childhood."
~ Thomas Dolby
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "[S]erpent's interpretations of the Bible are not the word of God..."
Humble yourself and repent before the Lord (Pr 3:34, Acts
2:3840, Acts 16:3034). Dead orthodoxy is not the way to life (Jn 7:48, Jn
Oatmeal has revealed that
you don't even know the basics of the Bible.
Clearly, you have not studied it (Jer 29:13).
Response to comment [from other]: "At least when he [Cruciform] posts scripture it actually says what he claims it says..."
If that were true, he would be able to provide biblical
support for
these false teachings (Eph
His best hope is that you do not read your Bible (Ac 17:11,
1 Tim. 6:35).
Response to comment [from other]: "You shouldn't be boasting that he didn't study it, since you didn't even read it."
I have read it.
You won't be equipped to do a good thing (2
Ti 3:17) until you obey the gospel of grace (Rom.
1 Pet. 4:17).
Response to comment [from other]: [2 Ti 3:17]
Plans and programs do not save.
Jesus saves (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23).
"The church (not yourself) is to prepare you for good works..."
You are not a member of the body of Christ (Rom. 8:68; Gal. 6:8; Jas. 4:4).
"...[Gal 5:6] says theology isn't important but faith working through love. What does that tell your ignorant [loser] self..."
That is the way to live the Christian life. Love will be the fruit of the Holy Spirit when you become a Christian.
[Rom. 10:16; 1 Pet. 4:17] "...[H]ow can you obey the gospel of Grace."
Believe it (Eph 3:2, 6:15) and see (Ro 11:8; 2 Co 4:3,4).
A Scriptural Response to: Biblical Evidence or Catholics St. Joseph
[2 Ti 3:17: Plans and programs do not save. :olinger: Jesus saves (Isa 63:9; Eph 5:23).] "I showed how it doesn't say what you claimed."
You are not a "man of God".
"...[M]an of God. A technical term for an official preacher of divine
truth...Capable of doing everything one is called to do (cf. Col. 2:10).
thoroughly equipped. Enabled to meet all the demands of godly ministry and
righteous living. The Word not only accomplishes this in the life of the man of
God but in all who follow him (Eph. 4:1113)." MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur
Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville : Word Pub., 1997, c1997, S. 2 Ti 3:17
First trust scripture (2 Ti 3:16).
"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of
God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
God gave us Scriptures for a particular reason: our growth in grace. It teaches
us the truth about God, corrects us when were wrong, and explains how to grow
so that we can become effective ambassadors for Jesus.
What the Bible says About the Importance of the Scriptures...[T]he Bible applies
to all men and women in every culture, in every age, in every walk of life. It
is Gods supernatural manual that alone reveals the mind and ways of God so that
humankind may know and experience His blessings.
The Bible is Gods written record of His works through the ages. It provides
substantial evidence of His nature, plan, and purposes so that we can
confidently place our faith in Him. Because of the Bible, we are not left to
archaeological, historical, or theological guesswork. We can know, for it is
Because the Bible is inspired (God-breathed) it is lifes final and ultimate
authority. The Bible is the last word on issues pertaining to God and His
ways. No individual, institution, or organization can supersede the authority of
That is exactly why we are admonished not to add to or take away from the
Scriptures (Rev. 22:18, 19). They perfectly express the decrees and judgments of
almighty God. The Bible is authoritative because it is the truth: The entirety
of Your word is truth (Ps. 119:160). The Bible is also Gods guide to salvation
and wise living: Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps.
Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the Bible enlightens each individual to
recognize personal sin, the need for salvation, and the best possible life
course. Without the Bible informing and illumining us, we would be hopelessly
unable to know and follow the true and living God.
When we say, Oh, I just wish I could hear God speak to me! we have forgotten
that He has spoken and still speaks through His Word. God is not silent. He has
spoken, and He has done so in the Bible, the oracles of God (Rom. 3:2; Heb.
The Bible is also profitable and nourishing. It provides us with an advantage in
every department of lifefamily, business, and social relationships. It is
profitable because it reflects the wisdom of God; when we abide by its
teachings, we are blessed. As we meditate and consider its truth, our spirits
and souls find nourishment; we become established and enriched in every
experience of life by living according to Gods perspective.
The Bible is the book for everyone. It is revelation, inspiration, and
communication of the Person and plan of the eternal, living, and powerful God."
Stanley, Charles F.: The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible : New King
James Version. Nashville, TN : Nelson Bibles, 2005, S. 2 Ti 3:16-17
"First off, a sincere thanks for actually saying something for a change. This is [a] conversation."
You love me, you really love me (1 Jn 3:14).
Loving God with all your Heart Pt. 9b by Darrell
[You are not a "man of God" technical term (2 Ti 3:17)] "I've admitted this more than once on here, and to be fair, neither are you."
I know the word of God (Ps
119:11) and the path that leads to life (Ps
Jn 14:6).
What do you know?
"[M]an produced definition..."
Better check for yourself (Ac
17:11). Get back to basics (Jude
Charles Spurgeon: Finest nineteenth-century preacher
"[Y]ou will no longer sin, not no longer be charged with sin, bit no longer capable of sinning, 1 Jn 3:6."
It would seem that you are capable. You reject the gospel
of grace (2
Thess 1:8).
Works vs. Faith
"The vs says the church prepares you for works of service..."
"He Himself gave some to be. As evidenced by His perfect fulfillment of His Fathers will, Christ possessed the authority and sovereignty to assign the spiritual gifts (v. 7, 8) to those He has called into service in His church. He gave not only gifts, but gifted men. apostles. See note on 2:20. A term used particularly of the 12 disciples who had seen the risen Christ (Acts 1:22), including Matthias, who replaced Judas. Later, Paul was uniquely set apart as the apostle to the Gentiles (Gal. 1:1517) and was numbered with the other apostles. He, too, miraculously encountered Jesus at his conversion on the Damascus Road (Acts 9:19; Gal. 1:1517). Those apostles were chosen directly by Christ, so as to be called apostles of Christ (Gal. 1:1; 1 Pet. 1:1). They were given 3 basic responsibilities: 1) to lay the foundation of the church (2:20); 2) to receive, declare and write Gods Word (3:5; Acts 11:28; 21:10, 11); and 3) to give confirmation of that Word through signs, wonders, and miracles (2 Cor. 12:12; cf. Acts 8:6, 7; Heb. 2:3, 4). The term apostle is used in more general ways of other men in the early church, such as Barnabas (Acts 14:4), Silas, Timothy, (1 Thess. 2:6) and others (Rom. 16:7; Phil. 2:25). They are called apostles of the churches (2 Cor. 8:23), rather than apostles of Jesus Christ like the 13. They were not self-perpetuating, nor was any apostle who died replaced. prophets. See note on 2:20. Not ordinary believers who had the gift of prophecy but specially commissioned men in the early church. The office of prophet seems to have been exclusively for work within a local congregation. They were not sent ones as were the apostles (see Acts 13:1), but, as with the apostles, their office ceased with the completion of the NT. They sometimes spoke practical direct revelation for the church from God (Acts 11:2128) or expounded revelation already given (implied in Acts 13:1). They were not used for the reception of Scripture. Their messages were to be judged by other prophets for validity (1 Cor. 14:32) and had to conform to the teaching of the apostles (v. 37). Those two offices were replaced by the evangelists and teaching pastors. evangelists. Men who proclaim the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to unbelievers. Cf. the use of this term in Acts 21:8; 2 Tim. 4:5. The related verb translated to preach the gospel is used 54 times and the related noun translated gospel is used 76 times in the NT. pastors and teachers. This phrase is best understood in context as a single office of leadership in the church. The Gr. word translated and can mean in particular (see 1 Tim. 5:17). The normal meaning of pastor is shepherd, so the two functions together define the teaching shepherd. He is identified as one who is under the great Pastor Jesus (Heb. 13:20, 21; 1 Pet. 2:25). One who holds this office is also called an elder (see notes on Titus 1:59) and bishop (see notes on 1 Tim. 3:17). Acts 20:28 and 1 Pet. 5:1, 2 bring all 3 terms together."
"Part of the church's job [is] to help them get active with their gifts."
Wonder twins activate--form of zombie.
2 Tim. 4:3,
Jn 12:40
"...[G]rowth to the full maturity of Christ comes through works..."
You have yet to remove your dirty diapers (Isa
Col 3:10).
"...[M]aturity comes through works."
Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Then we can talk about
what a super duper
Christian you are.
"...[W]hy did Jesus send apostles and disciples and not Bible copies..."
Jesus warned about his own followers (Mt 24:5).
"The leaders of the church are called to be priests..."
Every believer is a priest.
Is the priesthood of all believers biblical? Does the New Testament teach that
there should be a formal priesthood?
What does it mean that Jesus and believers are living stones in 1 Peter 2:4-5?
How can a stone be alive?
What does 1 Peter 2:9 mean when it refers to believers as peculiar people?
"[Y]ou don't' know what you are talking about..."
Ad hominem
"...[Y]ou've misrepresented his word..."
Proof please.
"You didn't address the fact that If you are in Him, or Him in you, if you are Born of God, Born of Him, you can't sin."
We have yet the remains of sin in us (Ro 7:17,23; Ga 5:17).
"I've never claimed to be Born of God yet, because scripture describes in these vs that I'm not."
And you don't fit the bill (1 Jn 3:14, Jer 9:23-24).
"[Y]our scripturally bereft, unloving, unlovable act."
Truth is hate to those who hate the truth (Enyart). Ac 20:20.
"The teachers of the Church are to prepare the people for works of service..."
Not the false teachers (Ga
Mt 15:9,
Eph 4:14).
"...Through works you become united..."
Your work is deceiving
Ga 1:6-8,
Eph 4:14).
"...[Y]ou are the one claiming superiority here, not me."
Elite alert
The Pharisees
also hated sinners who were saved by the grace of God. They hated Jesus for
loving them. You're too good to be saved.
George Frideric Handel: Composer of Messiah
"The Bible also says something about punishment for those that change the word of God."
These traditions will come up again.
"You nullify the Word of God by your traditions that you have handed down." (Mark
"If you want me to debate bring them to the forum. They have a file on record of me correcting them already."
so much cooler online (Brad Paisley).
"You can scroll back and lick any instance I showed the vs to nkt match your claims [sic]."
You're not that interesting (Mt
Recommended reading:
He's Just Not That Into You: Your Daily Wake-Up Call
by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo
[We have yet the remains of sin in us (Ro 7:17,23; Ga 5:17). "[N]ot if you are filled with the Spirit indwelling you."
Too bad your own righteousness (Lk 16:15; 18:9) can't save you and your "good" works are filthy rags (Isa 64:6).
[W]hy you only participate in "we hate Catholics" threads."
We care about the lost which is why we tell them the truth
Roman Catholicism
Vid. Catholicism vs Christianity by Mike Gendron
"[Y]ou position yourself behind man made teachings..."
Christians have fellowship with one another ( Psa. 55:14; Psa. 119:63; Amos 3:3; Mal. 3:16; Matt. 17:4; Matt. 20:2528; Matt. 23:8; Mark 10:4245; Luke 22:32; Luke 24:1315; John 13:34; John 15:12; John 17:11, 2123; Acts 1:14; Acts 2:1, 42, 4447; Acts 17:4; Acts 20:35; Rom. 1:12; Rom. 14:14, 10, 1316, 1821; Rom. 15:17; 1 Cor. 1:10; 1 Cor. 10:16, 17; 1 Cor. 12:13; 1 Cor. 16:19, 20; Gal. 2:9; Gal. 6:2, 10; Eph. 2:1422; Eph. 5:2, 19, 30; Phil. 1:3, 5, 27; Phil. 2:1, 2; Col. 2:2; Col. 3:16; 1 Thess. 4:18; 1 Thess. 5:11, 14; Heb. 3:13; Heb. 10:24, 25; Heb. 13:1; Jas. 5:16; 1 Pet. 2:17; 1 Pet. 3:8, 9; 1 John 1:3, 7; 1 John 3:14; 1 John 4:7, 8, 1113).
"Did I not clearly explain the circle of trust to you?" ~ Jack Byrnes, Meet the Parents
"I claim I am not indwelled by the spirit, because I have a sinful nature still. I am not born of God yet because I still sin, all of those vs, I have faced the truth and accepted it. I live in the truth of my failure..."
Know thyself.
What will your next sockpuppet account be?
How 'bout Mothera.
You do not have
a biblical worldview.
Understand the spirit of antichrist (1
Jn 4:2-6).
The Jesus test, the gospel test, and the fruit test
"I worry you are literally possessed and not in control of yourself."
sperm cells are mine (Gamera)."
"It's hard to believe, you, were the strongest swimmer."
Do you not know the Lord (1 Jn 4:-6).
We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us;
he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and
the spirit of error [1
John 4:6].
"I used to tell the people of my church that I use the Bible as a Geiger
counter. A Geiger counter tells you whether or not there is uranium there in the
rocks and in the soil. So I just run the Geiger counter over the congregation,
and the Bible is what I useits my Geiger counter. I want to tell you, Gods
children will always respond to it. That was my confidence as a pastor, and that
is my confidence as I write this book: Gods people are going to hear. And, my
friend, I do not expect the other crowd to hear. If they dont want to hear it,
all they have to do is close this book. The Christian ministry does not depend
upon them for support; Gods people are to support Gods work. After all, the
ark of the covenant was carried on the shoulders of the priests of Israel. The
ark speaks of Christ, and if we are to take Him to the world, we must carry Him
on our shoulders. The supreme encouragement of the ministry is to know that
Gods children will hear you. The elect cannot permanently be deceived. Christ
said it is not possible to deceive the elect.
John was sure of who the Lord Jesus was. He could say, And the Word was made
[became] flesh, and dwelt [pitched His tent] among us, (and we beheld his glory,
the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth (John
1:14). Then John gave us the purpose of his
gospel: And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples,
which are not written in this book: But these are written, that ye might believe
that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life
through his name (John
20:3031). John had indubitable,
indestructible, inevitable evidence that Jesus was who He claimed to be. John
knew that, and that is something we need to be a little more sure of today."
McGee, J. Vernon: Thru the Bible Commentary. electronic ed. Nashville : Thomas
Nelson, 1997, c1981, S. 5:804
Eph 4:14
"[Ranting] ...I would be happy to debate..."
Who is
Eph 4:14
"Serpent, there is nothing impressive in your actions here..."
Who is
Eph 4:14
"Is your name serpentdove because you are a snake that
hides and eats the doves?"
"Yiu are to Xianity, what Adolph was to Germany..."
"[Y]ou are a dissensious [sic], faction causing, lazy grace teaching, anti
Christ, unagapao, prideful distracter of the faith."
"[Y]ou are reading comprehension challenged..."
"You...look a total dumbass and fool..."
"Slanderous bigoted liar."
"[Y]ou are probably as much an overbearing idiot and
obnoxious bore in real life as you are online."
"Lets get a count from everyone that thinks you are here for your love of
"[A] reader of radioactive half life, you aren't, more of a butcher you are. The
best tools in the hands of the incapable are silly. Would you hire your paper
boy to perform brain surgery?"
"[Y]ou are on opportunistic idiot, incapable of brain surgery and need to
continue on your tricycle tossing papers..."
"[Y]ou are a hateful idiot..."
"[Y]ou meet the definition of bigot
"You have textbook symptoms of the classic borderline personality disorder."
"I think I've lured you out enough to expose you to even a low grade moron."
"You slander and ad hom rather than stick to the topic."
Do I know
You do not have a biblical worldview.
Eph 4:14
"And next time you cut and paste..."
You'd like Christian testimonies to go
Am I right?
Jn 13:3435
"Who kills a man kills a reasonable creature,
but he who destroys a good book
kills reason itself." ~ John Milton
John Milton: Puritan author of Paradise Lost
Response to comment [from other]: "Don't trouble yourself with these jokers... you've got loads to bring to the many people who visit this site, (most of whom are "guests"). Don't waste your fine efforts on scum like the serpent."
There there IXOYE, PB, Gamara, Taikoo,
ThermalCry, Samstarrett--whatever your name is this month.
The god-haters have loved you through all your identities.
Anyone can check
reprobate friends list --pagan this and atheist
that--you must be so proud when they scurry out of the woodwork to defend you (Rev.
You've tried more left than right; more right than left; Catholic, other,
Christian--but you'll always be PB antichrist
to me.
Eph 4:14
"Mr. Knight, I give you permission to verify I am not any names mentioned and not only give you permission to divulge that information, but plead for the verification."
You'll be more charming as Mothera (Ro
"...[R]ewriter of Scripture that you are..."
"[Y]ou repeatedly hang yourself in ignorance is free entertainment. Were you trained for it? Or is it natural?"
As long as it makes sense to you.
Is your sin catching up to you?
Isa 30:1
"Edited from wiki, selected parts..."
You don't hate "cut and pastes" that
agree with you.
Mt 7:3-5;
Lk 13:14,15
"Your intellectual inferiority must be embarrassing yiu tremendously."
You've said.
"I don't cut and paste other people's arguments."
Just "wiki".
"I cut and pasted an educational piece..."
As long as the "cut and paste"
agrees with you...
Eph 4:14
"You post other's opinions that support your bigotry..."
Why do you hate links to Christian authors?
1 John 2:18-29; 4:1-6; 2 John 1:7-11
[Wikipedia] "...[A] piece of information derived and edited down from medical documents..."
Most professors will not accept Wikipedia as
a source in college.
"[Y]ou really should stop using that vs until you understand how it is used in context..."
Let's ask the God-hater what it means (1
John 2:18-29;
2 John 1:7-11).
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: ""God-hater" = "Anyone who dares to contradict serpent's theological preferences and opinions"
keep using that word. I do not think it means, what
you think it means." ~ Inigo Montoya
[Hermeneutics] "Another non-answer by serpent."
If you don't care about hermeneutics.
If you don't care about serpent's "hermeneutics."
Who cares about my hermeneutic?
Pr 1:22, 29.
Use your own mind (Prov.
1:7). You don't need a middleman (Isa
You cannot be saved until you understand the gospel of grace (Ezr
Gen. 15:6;
Gen. 20:6;
Deut. 7:69;
Deut. 9:46;
Job 10:12;
Job 22:2,
Psa. 94:1719;
Psa. 138:3;
Psa. 143:11;
Dan. 9:18;
Dan. 10:18,
John 6:44,
John 17:11,
Acts 4:29,
Acts 26:22;
Rom. 3:2224;
Rom. 4:4,
Rom. 5:2,
Rom. 9:1016;
Rom. 11:5,
1 Cor. 1:48;
1 Cor. 10:13;
1 Cor. 15:10;
2 Cor. 1:12;
Gal. 1:14,
Eph. 1:59,
Eph. 2:8,
Eph. 3:16;
Eph. 4:7;
Eph. 6:10;
Phil. 1:19;
Phil. 2:13;
1 Thess. 1:1
1 Thess. 5:28;
2 Pet. 1:2;
1 Tim. 1:14;
2 Tim. 1:1,
Tit. 3:7;
1 Pet. 1:5;
1 Pet. 4:10;
1 Pet. 5:10;
Jude 1,
Rev. 3:10).
Audio Pt
7b, From the Series:
Loving God with all your Heart by Dr. Darrell Ferguson
(right click, open)
Response to comment [from "other"]: [Ranting]
Looks like you've gotten yourself banned.
Catch ya on the flippity flip.
Pick Mothera.
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: [You don't need a middleman (Isa 51:12).] "Then we don't need you..."
You need to believe and obey the gospel of grace (Ro 10:16).
Amen means we agree. We do not (Jude 11).
" we all do."
"We have different authorities, we believe different gospels, we worship different Christs, we are led by different spirits and we are on different paths to eternity. Compare this with the unity the apostle Paul described with those who are in one body and one ......Spirit, with one hope; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, on God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all (Eph 4:4-6)..." Full text: No Idolatry & False Teaching
[Mike Gendron, Roman Catholic over 30 years] "[H]e had no genuine understanding of Catholic doctrine or practice to begin with..."
Tell us where he is wrong.
"Roman Catholics declare that their church is the one true church founded upon
Peter 2000 years ago. They say their bishops are successors of the apostles, yet
none of them meet the biblical requirements (Acts
1:21-22). From the Word of God, we know that
the true church is made up of all who were:
chosen by the Father (2
Thes. 2:13),
sanctified by the Holy Spirit (1
Cor. 6:11),
redeemed by the Son (Gal.
3:13) and
purified by His blood (1
John 1:7)
This church submits to Christ as its Head and His Word as the authority (Col.
Luke 4:32). Each member
of this church is already enrolled in heaven because they have been sealed with
the Holy Spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing their eternal inheritance (Heb.
Eph. 1:13-14). They
worship God in Spirit and Truth, pray to God alone and die with the assurance of
being in the presence of their Savior.
The Roman Catholic Church is made up of all who:
were baptized by a priest (CCC, para. 818)
were sanctified by the sacrament of water baptism (CCC, 2813).
are being redeemed by the Sacrifice of the Mass (CCC, 1405) and are
purified by purgatory (CCC, 1472).
The Roman Catholic Church can indeed trace its roots to the church Christ
established. However, as it departed from the Word of God and began following
traditions of men, it became more and more corrupt. It now submits to its head,
the pope, who stole the title "Head of the Church" from Jesus. Rome condemns
with anathema anyone who does not embrace the "infallible dogmas" of the church.
None of the members of this church are promised eternal life in heaven. They
submit to what they believe to be three equal authorities: the Magisterium of
Bishops, Tradition and Scripture. Catholics worship the Eucharist, pray to Mary
and the Saints and die with a hope of making it to the purging fire of an
unbiblical purgatory after they die. These are two different churches on two
different paths to two different destinies. One is apostolic, the other is
apostate. One contends for the faith, the other has departed from the faith (1
Tim. 4:1)."
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries Newsletter Vol 20 No. 3
Also see:
Catholicism vs Christianity by Mike Gendron
"You don't agree that "we all need to believe and obey the gospel of grace"...?"
Roman Catholics
teach a gospel of works (Ga
Christians teach the gospel of grace (Ac
"Catholic teaching: The sacraments are necessary for salvation. Catholic
teachings state that the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Communion,
Penance, Matrimony and the Anointing the Sick are needed to go to heaven.
Catholic teaching: Doing good deeds throughout your life will save you from
Bible: Salvation is a gift of grace from God. Being good, doing good works, or
fulfilling the sacraments will not save you from eternity in hell. Only by faith
will you be saved. Follow the Bible which is God's Word and not the teachings of
man. Good works come after you are saved as a showing of Christ's love in us..."
Full text:
Works vs Faith
"If the Catholic Church is indeed Christ's historic Church, then she is superior to all other claimants to that status..."
Your claim is a false.
"...[L]ets examine the Roman Catholic claim that it is
the first church. Nowhere in the New Testament will you find the one true
church doing any of the following: praying to Mary, praying to the saints,
venerating Mary, submitting to a pope, having a select priesthood, baptizing an
infant, observing the ordinances of baptism and the Lords Supper as sacraments,
or passing on apostolic authority to successors of the apostles. All of these
are core elements of the Roman Catholic faith. If most of the core elements of
the Roman Catholic Church were not practiced by the New Testament Church (the
first church and one true church), how then can the Roman Catholic Church be the
first church?" Full text:
was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true church?
Is the church that is the oldest necessarily the most right ...
"...[B]ut not what serpent claims it means."
Truth is truth independent from me (Ac
Mt 15:9).
"Truth is truth independent from me."
You removed the
scripture from my quote. It is what you do (Eph 4:14).
Truth is truth independent from me (Ac 5:29, Mt 15:9).
"...Then we can simply go on ignoring your personal preferences and theological opinions..."
Isn't that what
you do every day? Even in your rebellion
you prove that the Bible is true (Isa
Ro 10:15,16).
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: [Ranting]
Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is SerpentDove.
I won't take
you more seriously
than you take yourself.
Response to comment [from a "Christian"]: "Do you have special needs?"
Do you have
something against those with special needs?
1 Cor 1:27
[What is the
Most Trustworthy Authority for Knowing the Truth? Proclaiming the Gospel
Ministries] "...Long before a church council formally recognized the canon, the
books were received and recognized as being the inspired Word of God. They were
functioning with supreme and complete authority in matters of faith and
doctrine. To separate the inspired writings from other spurious writings and
place them into one volume was the task given to Christians who were already
converted to Christ through the Word (1
Pet. 1:23). Therefore it was the Bible that
gave birth to the church, not the church that gave birth to the Bible..."
Full text:
What is the Most Trustworthy Authority for Knowing the Truth?
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries
Response to comment [from a Catholic]: "...or vice versa..."
God's word is the final word.
[Two Competing Authorities Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "Roman Catholics argue that the reason there are over 25,000 Protestant denominations is because there is no infallible Protestant interpreter to teach the Bible correctly. They contend that there is no unity, only divisions, among the churches and denominations that submit to "Sola Scriptura." We need to correct this misunderstanding with the truth. The denominations that submit to "Sola Scriptura" are much more unified than religious institutions and cults that submit to the "Bible plus an infallible interpreter." Mormons and Catholics, who both use the "Bible plus an infallible interpreter" system do not refer to one another as brothers-in-Christ but exclude one another as heretics. On the other hand, most denominations in the "Sola Scriptura" camp would definitely refer to one another as brothers. In fact, if we were to randomly select five denominations that submit to "Sola Scriptura" and compare them with five that submit to the "Bible plus and infallible interpreter" as the rule of faith, the former group would be much more unified than the latter. True unity is found whenever it is centered on the true Gospel." Two Competing Authorities Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries
"God's word" (i.e., Scripture and Tradition) as interpreted in the authoritative teachings of Christ's historic Church..."
False premise
was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true church?
[Paul Encouraged Private Interpretation Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "The
apostle Paul, who wrote more than half the New Testament, understood Scripture
to be the final and supreme authority in matters of faith. In his letter to the
churches of Galatia, he encourages every believer to use private judgment in
discerning truth from error. He warns readers not to believe anyone who comes
preaching a gospel that is different from the one already delivered by the
apostles (Gal.
1:6-9). Since the original Gospel is completely
contained in Scripture, it must be every Christian's standard for making private
judgments (1
Cor. 15:1-4). Paul includes himself and even
angels from heaven as "religious authorities" that must be tested for veracity.
Every man's teaching, whether it be popes, bishops, pastors, evangelists or
faith healers, must conform to the written Word of God. If it does not conform,
it must be rejected. We know that the books of the New Testament were not
addressed to bishops but, in most cases, to individual saints. Paul said, "by
the manifestation of truth we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the
sight of God" (2
Cor. 4:2). If we take Paul seriously, we will
engage in private judgment and interpretation of God's Word to test the
authenticity of any religious teachers (Acts
17:11). Those who do not heed his exhortation
risk the fatal mistake of following false teachers and turning from Jesus."
Paul Encouraged Private Interpretation Proclaiming the
Gospel Ministries
"...Post #459..."
Your trust is misplaced and
your arguments are self-refuting.
Trust God's word (2
Tim. 2:15; Jas.
[Are "Infallible" Interpreters Trustworthy? Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries]
"Roman Catholics claim that anyone who studies church history and the early
church will lead them to the "one true church" of Rome. However, for anyone to
rely on their own interpretation to come to any such conclusion goes against the
very teaching of Roman Catholicism. According to Rome, we cannot trust our own
ability to understand and interpret
Matthew 16:18 and church
history. So if this is true, how can anyone be sure that God's infallible
interpreter is Roman Catholicism? In other words, how can a Catholic know his
religion is infallible when he must rely on his fallible interpretation to
arrive at that conclusion? Every "infallible interpreter" claims you cannot
understand Scripture and church history without their help. Eastern Orthodox,
Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses all make the same claim. Therefore, if we were
to choose one of the "infallible interpreters" over the others, how can we
possibly know we have made the right choice? Furthermore, if we make the wrong
choice, we risk eternal damnation for trusting an "infallible" interpreter rather
than our own judgment of what the infallible Word of God says."
Are "Infallible" Interpreters Trustworthy? Proclaiming
the Gospel Ministries
"Post #467..."
God doesn't ask you to violate logic.
He doesn't ask you to check your brains at the door (Isa
Love him with all your mind (Eph
[Rome Forbids Private Interpretation Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "Some
Catholics may argue that their religion does not forbid private interpretation
of Scripture. However, when the truth of God's Word began setting thousands of
people free from the bondage of religious deception, Rome tried to prevent
access to the truth. The 16th Century Council of Trent gathered the Bishops of
the Catholic Church together to counter the Reformation. The Bishops not only
placed the Bible on the list of forbidden books, but also outlawed private
interpretation of Scriptures. From the 4th Session of the Council we read, "In
order to restrain petulant spirits, it decrees, that no one, relying on his own
skill, shall, in matters of faith, and of morals pertaining to the edification
of Christian doctrine, wresting the sacred Scripture to his own senses, presume
to interpret the said sacred Scripture contrary to that sense which holy mother
Church, whose it is to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy
Scriptures." The Second Vatican Council restated the dogma this way: "The task
of authentically interpreting the word of God, whether written or handed on, has
been entrusted exclusively to the living teaching office of the Church." The
Council went on to pronounce: "The way of interpreting Scripture is subject
finally to the judgment of the Church, which carries out the divine commission
and ministry of guarding and interpreting the word of God" (Dei Verbum, II, 10
and III,12).
Rome Forbids Private Interpretation Proclaiming the
Gospel Ministries
False premise] "No, rather a true conclusion."
No so.
was the first / original church? Is the original / first church the true church?
[Principles of Interpretation Proclaiming the Gospel
Ministries] "Christians must become serious students of the Bible to avoid being
deceived by religious teachers. In doing so, we need to follow some important
principles of interpretation. Always approach the study of God's Word with a
teachable spirit and a desire to be taught by the Holy Spirit, our most
trustworthy teacher (1 John 2:27). We must interpret passages literally unless
they were written in a figurative or allegorical sense. It is important to
observe the context for each verse and seek to understand the writer's intent
and the historical and cultural setting in which the events took place. It is
always wise to compare Scripture with Scripture and interpret each passage
consistent with God's complete revelation. Difficult passages can be cleared up
by comparing other passages that relate to the same subject. By studying word
meanings and grammar carefully and consulting the original languages, we can
gain a deeper understanding of a passage."
Principles of Interpretation Proclaiming the Gospel
[Ps 138:2] "...[Y]ou're trying to use this as a proof text for sola scriptura..."
The Bible is true (Mt
16:18). The scriptures work effectually for
those who believe (1
Th 2:13).
[One Infallible Authority Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] "There is no higher
authority than almighty God who speaks only the truth and cannot lie (Titus
1:2). He inspired the Scriptures to reveal
Himself to mankind through Jesus Christ as Creator, Lord and Savior. Since Jesus
Christ is the personification of truth and His Word is truth (John
17:17), why would anyone
choose to look anywhere else for truth? Scripture must be the supreme and
infallible authority in all that it reveals."
Application for Christians: "The prevailing tendency in the church today is to
avoid confrontation and just be "positive." This is no way to contend against
"infallible interpreters" who masquerade as ministers of righteousness (1
Tim. 1:8). Their clever counterfeit gospels
appear genuine to the undiscerning and are deceiving millions. It is the duty of
every Christian to know, proclaim, guard, defend and pass on the truth of God's
word to the next generation (1
Tim. 6:20-21). To allow error to go unabated is
to be unmoved by the truth. Christians who simply proclaim truth without
confronting error could be endorsing errors that are covered with a veneer of
truth. Subtle errors give birth to fatal errors unless they are exposed and
confronted. As false teachers become more subtle in their propagation of error,
truth must be proclaimed with greater clarity!
We know God does not try to confuse anyone about life's most critical issue -
"What must I do to be saved?" However, to avoid being confused or deceived by
religious teachers, we must put away any Catholic or Protestant tradition or
teaching that opposes His inspired authoritative Word!"
One Infallible Authority Proclaiming the Gospel
scriptura vs. Magisterium: What Did Jesus Teach?